´´Are you lost in thought again? At some point you must tell me where you go when you disappear like that´´. Ciaran smiled at her, mischief in his eyes. She felt

her heart beating faster, and for a moment there she couldn´t breathe. Moira quickly stuffed her mouth with stew and avoided Pendragon´s eyes. As she listened

to him praising Mary for her cooking and baking skills she remembered the fact that her stuff was located in one of the rooms upstairs, and the butler had said a

very strange thing when she came in...´´The lord is expecting you´´...´How would he have known I was here, perhaps because of the security camera?´ But even then, it all went so fast...was she supposed to stay the night because a room had been made up for her? It was quite confusing, and she was anxious

of what would happen if she stayed...this man was unlike anyone she had ever met and she had no desire to fall for him.

After an early dinner, Ciaran took her to the gardens. During their walk, he explained how the gardens had been cleaned and reorganized, the different

flowers and trees he had planted and why he had designed it the way it was. ´´It must have been chaos when you first got here, how long has it been since?´´

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