Lord Pendragon was observing her ´´Penny for your thoughts?´´ he said. Moira was startled ´´Oh...! Well, I was just thinking how beautiful it all is...and so peaceful...not like I expected at all´´ she said.

He smiled ´´Yes, it is quite different now. Are you perhaps hungry? Let´s go to the kitchen´´ Moira was hungry alright, she could eat a horse.

She followed Ciaran into the kitchen, where the smell of freshly cooked food already met them at the door.

´´Ah! Mary! It smells delicious as always´´ the Lord said with a big smile. Mary, the cook, blushed at these words.

´´Oh, nonesense you always say that milord...but it can´t always be true I´m sure´´. Ciaran smiled ´´Mary is humble Moira, she doesn´t like to be praised at all´´

he explained. Moira looked at Mary and smiled, that wasn´t it...the middle aged woman clearly had a crush on her Lord, but he didn´t seem to notice.

They sat down at the table and Mary brought them two plates of lambstew, filled with potatoes and all kinds of vegetables, it was very good. They were

eating and laughing together, it was so strange...Moira couldn´t shake the thought that they knew eachother, from somehwere far away...in another time...

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