other people, and that gave her peace.

Later that afternoon she arrived at Galashiels, here she would stay the night. After she checked into her bed and breakfast she headed out to find a pub where she

could eat something. The first place she found was called ´Hunters Hall´, she liked the way it looked and went in. It was around dinner time and the place was quite packed, but luckily the was a free seat in the back with a small table. It was an old pub, with its dark wooden counters and tables. The smell of ale and meat

permeated the place, and it made her hungry. ´´Hello, what can I get you?´´ Moira looked up to see a young woman standing over her. The waitress´ face was dominated by a smile so big, Moira thought her face would split in two. ´´Do you have some tea? And a dinner menu please´´ she said to the waitress. ´´Coming

right up!´´ the waitress with the big smile replied, and sashayed her way to the bar.

The bar was full of young people, Moira knew that Edinborough University had a branch here and she assumed they must be students. There were eyes on her, like all the places she went to, people were always curious about her. Luckily the waitress just came back with her tea and a menu. ´´Here you go! Do you know what you would like to eat?´´ the bubbly girl asked. Moira scanned the menu and ordered the Lady steak with a side dish of mashed potatoes. ´´I will be right back with your order!´´ and once again the waitress made her way to the kitchen. Moira could feel her stomach rumbling, and she had not remembered ever being so hungry before. If only her dinner was already here...she sighed and sat back in her chair while sipping her tea, until at some point her attention was drawn to someone at the bar.

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