After Moira had been on the road for about two hours it hit her ´I must be mad, what am I thinking? What will I say to him? Should I just knock on the door and wait for him to open it?´ Moira shook her head...perhaps she had gone to far this wouldn´t be a first for her. She always had problems with social situations, this is why she decided

to study psychology in the first place. Her hope had been to gain a better understanding of why ´NORMAL´ people acted the way they did. All the crazy ones she

understood all to well. It was difficult to say the least, to navigate the social landscape of everyday life. No, her studies had confirmed what she already knew growing

up, humans were poorly designed, and oh so fragile. But she was different, she always had been...Asperger´s they called it, she had diagnosed herself at a young age.

It had only been confirmed much later, a different brain structure is what it was, but to changed the way she looked at the world around her.

Now that she had her diagnoses she looked at the world freely, with clear open eyes. She had never really been afraid, but now she knew why she was so different from Copyright 2016 - 2025