Johnnie looked at her with a puzzled look. He only handled things in that fashion if he knew that it was or could be evidence in an ongoing case.

“Sweet dreams? What does that mean?”

“Nothing I am sure. It’s nothing. Let’s eat before it gets cold.” She moved the flowers off the table and stuck them in the kitchen out of the way.

“Nope, it’s not that easy. I know you too well Angel. What does it mean?” He took her by the hand and led her to the couch. She took the note and then pointed to the flowers.

“About six weeks ago, I started having nightmares. When I wake up, I cannot remember them, but I was horrified. Johnnie, I was, no, I am terrified by what happened in them, but I just cannot remember anything. The feelings began wearing off quickly at first. Soon after I woke up, it faded. But the last one, last night? It took me about an hour to get over the feelings that I had from the dream.”

He held her in his arms for a few minutes. Then he stood and in true Johnnie fashion grinned at her. “I’m hungry. What cha’ got for us to eat? We will come back to this later okay?” Copyright 2016 - 2025