However, there at the door stood a delivery man from the local florist. He had a large bouquet, with ten roses, four white, and six red.

“Miss Cole? Here is this week’s delivery for you ma’am.” He handed her the flowers and left whistling.

She closed her door, and then placed the roses on the table. She was not sure what to think. This was the sixth delivery in as many weeks. The card was always blank, but she checked it to make sure. As she picked up the card and read “Sweet Dreams” her hands began to shake. It was just a coincident that it would make her think of the nightmares she had been having, nothing more. The bell rang again, and she moved to open it, once again expecting Johnnie.

Angeline threw her arms around him, “Johnnie. Come in please, supper is on the table.” She led him inside, and he looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.

“Hello, Angel. I see that you got flowers. Do you have a special someone?”

“Nope, this is a weekly thing; usually the card is blank, only this time there was a note on the card.” She handed it to him, holding only the two corners with her napkin. Copyright 2016 - 2025