When Julia got home Katy was know where to be seen.She must of gone with Peter to the pub .Look's like I need a strong drink too she said to herself.S he poured a full glass of strong red wine in why am I feeling so irritated by Gabe is it cause of what he said before about how he was spouse to feel as well not just me but we sorted that out now.She remembered she was spouse to make a phone call she picked up her phone and rang Gabe."Hi Gabe what's up are you ready to come over there's no one else here just me."I will be there in six minutes Gabe told her .A couple of minutes later she heard knocking on the door she opened it.",Hey Gabe come on in we have got the place to our selves tonight Julia told him.Gabe went over to where Julia was standing he put his arms against her waist then kissed her."Do you want to sit down Julia asked him.Her heart was beating fast."I thought you would hate me for loving you that's why I never told you about the way I felt about having strong feelings for you Gabe told her."We have been working together for six years now and both of us never knew that we loved each other I don't think anyone is to blame Julia told him.", Well I guess know one is then Gabe said."Yes but why were you acting kind of weird when I said I love you why did you act like that Julia asked him.

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