Part 6. It's not that I want a man who wouldn't cheat on me I need to know that I can trust you Julia told him."I wouldn't do that to you Gabe told her. "I know your a great guy Gabe I want this to work between us but soon I'm looking to get married and I know your not up for that." How do you know what I want in life Julia Gabe said to her."Well I can't read your mind can I Julia told him. "What I want is for us to take things forwards from here and see how it goes Gabe told her ." Yeah I agree omg I didn't realize that I'm still naked Julia was buried inside Gabe's chest when were ready we will think about marriage then what do think Gabe Julia asked him."I'm fine with that well we better get dressed now Gabe told her."Yeah sure Gabe do you know something I never knew what it would be like to have sex with you."Why didn't you want it with me Gabe asked her."Yes I did it felt great but are you sure on being a us Julia asked him."Yes I'm sure then Gabe kissed her on the Lip's softly do you want to come over to my flat tonight Gabe asked Julia. "No you come over to mine we will sit down for a bit then to my bedroom if Katy and Peter are there Julia told Gabe." You know my phone number Gabe asked her. "Yeah I do so you coming then Julia said to him." Yes I am Gabe told Julia. "Let's get back to work before we get into trouble Julia said." Look's like we have took all our work time having sex Gabe told her."True Julia admitted. "One minute were great mate's the next minute were lover's Gabe said. Copyright 2016 - 2025