Part 4.

I better get ready fast .She went to take a shower then she put some makeup on. When she went to make herself breakfast she saw Peter s clothes on the couch . He must of stayed over.I better finish my mug of tea fast or I will be late for work.Just then Katy came out of her bedroom ."Hey you ready for work because there's something important I want to tell you when you get back .Whist they were talking Peter came out of Katy's bedroom half naked he only had his pants on. "Were you having sex last night Julia whispered in Katy's ear." Yeah Katy told her are you going to tell Gabe how you feel about him Katy asked Julia."I'm not too sure yet Julia told her anyway I will see you when I get back I'm getting late okay bye.When she got to work Gabe was already there."Hi she said to him. "Hey Julia what's wrong you look really worried about something Gabe asked ." No I'm fine it's just that how would you take if I told you right now it's not that easy to say this but yesterday when you hugged me felt the magic I have fallen for you Gabe Julia told him. "I am lost for words believe it or not I have always loved you for a long time now."You never said anything since then Julia asked him she couldn't believe it she thought about it for a while longer well that's in the past now Gabe there's nothing we can do about it.She walked up to him why didn't you ever tell me before Julia asked him." I thought you might just laugh in my face Gabe told her what do we do now Julia. "I don't know get up Gabe he got up she kissed him on the Lip's passionately were not mates anymore were lovers! Copyright 2016 - 2025