Part 3. "That was fast getting over your crush in just like a minute Katy told her." Well he hasn't asked me out he doesn't even know if I exist ."He's an idiot then Katy told her your beautiful that great blonde hair you have got it nice and curly I wish I had it like that."Your gorgeous Peter said to Katy and kissed her Lip's gently. "Maybe I should tell him tomorrow Julia told them. " It won't be easy working alone with Gabe. "No it won't be but you know I have been single for too long don't you Katy." Can I ask if he's single ."Yeah he is he once told me and he is about thirty ."That makes us all the same age Katy said. "That's kind of weard Peter said."You think everything's weard Katy told him and punched him in the arms playfully." Well are we going to order those pizzas or what Julia asked them. Julia didn't get any sleep that night. What am I going to do I can't hide it forever that I love him.Do I love him or am I just kidding myself I do but iI have to make a move fast In case he gets a girlfriend before I have the chance to ask him out.She went to the kitchen to make herself a mug of coffee.When she had finished making her coffee she Sat down on the couch and put her mug of coffee on the table. She finally drifted off to sleep.When she soak up it was seven in the morning. I'm going to be late Julia thought. Copyright 2016 - 2025