The men recognized Kaleab. and demanded him to tell them where the tiwins were. Kaleab stalled them gibving Jennifer time to escape through the back door to safety. Upon leaving both Cherokee and Jennifer heard them open fire. The only two in the sanctuary was Kaleab and his friend. Mrs. Shepherd had grocery shopping to do that morning..

Mrs. Shepherd was notified by the local police depart there was an active shooting at her business. The shooters had shot off a hundred rounds in just miutes if not seconds.While the standoff was taking place and Mrs.Shepherd was at the police station Cherokee and Jennifer was grabbing their clothes and high tailing out of town. Hopefully the gun men hadn't noticed their cars parked in back of the sanctuary.Jennifer followed Cherokee. They took the back roads further south to the Mexican border.When they got their licenses they also requested pass ports just in case they would ever need them . They showed their passports to the border patrol and was allowed to cross the border without any problems. They called Mrs. Shepherd's lawyer. He informed them that both of the young men had been beaten half to death then shot at least fifty times a piece and both was announced DOA at the hospital. The two gunmen was killed by the police. at the scene. Mrs. Shepherd 's sanctuary obstained serious damages and several of the birds also was deceased. Copyright 2016 - 2025