The nest day they picked up their new bills and went to the license bureua borrowing Mrs. Shepherds car again. They waited in line for quite some time and got their chance to get to drive. They passed it with flying colors. They recieved their temporary paper license and was told it would take seven to ten business days before they recieved their lamanated license in the mail.

.When they recieved their licenses they hitched a ride with Kaleab to a car dealership. They both picked out the same car just one each. Jennifer picked out a gold Chevy Malibu and Cherokee a nice blue Chevy Malibu. The sme year. They wasn't new but not a older car eitherr. They paid in full with cash. They spent a good thirty thousand dollars plus in one place. They now needed to get insurance. both was charge a very high price but they had expected that. The next place was back to the license bureau to get their cars licensed. by the time they were through they had spent well over fifty thousand dollars. That depleated their money quite a bit. both of them knew they had to curtailed their spending from then on. They now was ready to go to work for Mrs. Shepherd.

Their working for Mrs. Shepherd was very short lived. The two men from the zoo had traced the license plate to Mrs. Shepherd boarding home. With twenty renters during the summer both men decided to check out the sanctuary. They walked right by Cherokee not realizing who she was. She stepped out and called Jennifer and warned her they were there and packing . It was almost too late she hid behind the wall where she couldn't be seen. Copyright 2016 - 2025