On their way south the girls stopped by the Winchester County Zoo to check up with momma panda and her baby. The zoo seemed a little scarry especially as they past the bears on their way to the panda exhibit. Just outside of the exhibit was a sign Feed Mia and Shasha for $1.00. They spent two dollars. They went through what was called the feeding door and when it was their turn to put the bamboo shoots in the tray Mia recognized the girls. She picked up her baby and brought her to the feeding tray.

When the feeding tray's door opened she reached out and touched both of their hands and made the noise the girls almost forgot. It even looked as though she was showing her baby to them. they spent as much time as they could then left the third time they were told their time was up. It was like a family reunion.

The girls took pictures of Mia and Tasha. The Panda Bears handler approached the girls and asked them if they knew her. He introduced himself as Jimmy. Averly was hestitate to answer him. He then stated that at first he thought she was being agressive. That wasn't her usual behavior. She usually stayed back and cuddled her young one. He was informed to watch for agressiness in her then he remember her past and just wondered.

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