The twins knew they were on their own.The funeral director came by with the urns and had these cross necklaces for them. Each cross had section for every family member's ashes. He also informed them that he had communicated with his sister from get go. she felt the same way that he had and was willing to take them in and would have a judge give them a new name. It was getting more dangerous for the girls every day they stayed there..In the storage shed just a half a mile or so down the road was Lauren's parked her car. She didn't want her mother to know she had a car already. It was a gift from her boyfriend.

The next day they loaded their things in a golf cart. They drove around the reserve sprinkling their family's ashes in all of their favorite spots. At the last one for each of them they dug a hole and placed the urn there. Using a knife they made a cross in the tree above the place they were buried at. They parked the golf cart at the closet end of the reserve to the storage shed. When it just about dark the girls opened a small opening in the fence with wire cutters and drove the gulf cart to the storage unit. They packed their items mostly consisting of photos, their clothing, and personal items of theirs in the car. All of the girls were very simular in looks. Everly looked more like Lauren than Avery was heading to a couple states away. Several miles from their home the twins ran into a road blocked off by the state patrol doing sobriety checks . After a state patrolman checked their breaths on a breathalizer they were on their way again Copyright 2016 - 2025