​ When the metal detector went off the security guard told Jen to lock herself in judge Waters chambers and was on her cellphone when the security guard unlocked the door and the four men stepped in. She told Alex that he needed to come back because the governor was here to visit with him.When Butch came in and saw the men's guns he sat right by Judge Waters ready to attack if anyone came close. The security guard had to take him into another room so they could greet each other. Jen went out and ordered drinks and ribs from the little bbq and deli down the street. It was delivered within fifteen minutes and everyone enjoyed their lunch while Judge Waters was offered the state supreme court judgeship which had been vacant for a year.

​ Judge Waters made an appointment for the next week and was reassured that his file clerk would be accompany him at his new assignment as state supreme court judge. Jen and Alex was in seperable just like Jen thought Alex and the dog handler was Jen wondered what Alicia would say if Alex took the assignment he was offered.

​ When Alex and Jen to check out the offer they saw several files on the late judge's desk and knew that Governor Jackson hadn't lied when he told them the two sitting judges couldn't agree on any case and he would have his hands full for awhile. Alex accepted the job offer on the spot. Alex told Jen as they were leaving that if the two sitting judges were married that irreconcilable difference would be grounds for a divorce. other couples had gotten divorced for a lot less than that. Then other couples liked to use financial diffulty as the reason to divorce. If there was a law that required everyone to a year or two of courtship like decribded in the bible..

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