​ The next week consumed of one trail by Jury the defense presented their case was a weak one and the man was convicted of first degree murder and instead of the jury deciding his sentence his lawyer went with the judge and he considered his ruling for the weekend then on Monday he sentenced him to sixty years in prision due to the man had a diagnosis of mental illness. He wouldn't be consider for parole for fourty of those years which would make the man in his late eighties before he would get out

The next day the judge had several little case he ruled on. When he ended his day Jen told him that she had recieved a call from someone who said they were the governor Jackson's personal secretary wanting to schedule a meeting with him at the govenor mansion . She told that person that he was booked solid for the next three weeks. then she wanted to know where they ate lunch at and was told that he ate lunch in his chambers when he was that booked. She was worried that somebody was fishing for some news to get even with him for some reason.

​ On WednesdayJudge Waters sentenced a couple of robbers to twenty years for each robbery. they racked up a total os sixty years and he made sure they knew that their sentences wouldn't run concurrently so they wouldn't get out for some time. On thursday several deffense attorneys asked for continuances which he permitted. He brought along Butch and took him out for a walk when several dark cars pulled up and man walked in with three men surrounding him. their handguns set the metal detector off. They were surrounded quickly by the county deputies but then was escorted to the hallway where the judges chambers were.

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