After judge Wilson's funeral which was held in an undisclosed location which was attended by the other judges plus the court clerks and other employees of the state. Judge Wilson's body was sent to his home state for proper burial in his family's burial plot.

​ A couple of days later the governor assigned another man who was six years younger than Alex name Brandon Scott who Jen thought was very handsome and well manered. They seem to hit it off immediately. His name would also be put on the election ballet. Jen ate lunch in at the judges' chamber room's eating area. Most of the time the food was delivered to the courthouse and was ordered by a clerk so nobody knew if it was any of the justices or their clerks.

​ Butch was now being taken out by a dog walker that the apartment complex had hired and the cars carrying the judges and Jen was escorted to the back parking lot under the bridge that had been erected as a walking bridge when the back of the complex was connected to another street but then the street was demolished but most of the walking bridge was still up and the sign stated complex worker's parking lot.

​ The state supreme justices opinion on the law which said the dreamers act that had been put into effect by..excuxtive order by the president was over reaching his authority and ruled void by a four to one vote.The ruling when announced on the local stations throughout the state brought a huge amount of protesters Copyright 2016 - 2025