Alex held several meetings with the two sitting judges to get to know them better to be sure the rulings they decide together would be just. Alex enjoyed getting to know both sitting judges. He clicked the most with judge Hall. They started going out to dinner after work just as friends . In a matter of weeks the friendship of three judges grew with two more state supreme court judges Allen Wilson and Marianne Jones just temporary until all three would be on the ballet to be voted on by the public in the November election the next month The election was scheduled for November the seventh

​ All five of the judges ruled on a cival rights case and was discussing the dream workers when another bomb threat was called in. Alex was pretty sure that when the last bomb threat had been called the governor had just announced that he was extending the state supreme court to five members due to there were three of four issues that needed that many judges to make a legal decision on them and Alex realized the time had come.

​ When they evacuated the courthouse and the judges left by the side door. Someone shot and killed judge Wilson with a Remington M 24 sniper rifle which was issued to the military and police departments. The rest of the judges was swiftly escorted back in and out through a tunnel that was underground going to the sheriff's department. Jen went out the front door and was mixed in with people who had went to the court on some kind of business. Copyright 2016 - 2025