Minutes later he was back inside with her purse. He took a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water and bought both the purse and water to her returning to the kitchen to make their coffee. He wouldn't dare drink alcohol in fear of having to bring her to the hospital and to also bring her home later.

"Thank you Dave for all that you did. I did have a wonderful day on the beach and your music was beautiful. If you don't mind, I would love to hear more." She said after a few minutes of silence as she thought things through from the days event.

"It was my pleasure, I had enjoyed the day myself. It was nothing like I had ever had before and with you here to share it with me made it special. Thank you for coming here today. I also want to tell you that I no intentions of doing anything to hurt you. I really like you and have since the first day I saw you in the coffee shop. I haven't stopped thinking about. It took a lot of courage and coaxing to myself to finally get enough nerve to ask you here today. I didn't want to just spend an hour or two at a restaurant with you and then say goodnight. I wanted to spend the day with you. I wasn't going to try and get you to spend the night. I didn't want to take advantage of you while you were here. I wouldn't do that nor would I do anything to ruin the chance of getting to know you better and asking you out on another journey of a beautiful day."

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