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Young Family

Page 82

"Yes," the children said in unison. Rebecca doubted all of them-especially Helena-would live up to that.

When she went back outside, she found Miss Brigham with her face bright red. "Oh my," Miss Brigham said. "You were out there all by yourself?"

"That's right," Mr. Delgado said. "Just me and the sea."

"You're such a brave man."

"Stupid is more like it."

"No, you could never be stupid. Not a big, strong man like you."

Rebecca had listened to all of this conversation she could handle. Though she was only nine, it was obvious Miss Brigham had a crush on their new arrival. As she started down the path to the cave, Rebecca thought it made sense for Miss Brigham to like Mr. Delgado. She had been the only adult on the island for the last five years. That would have to be lonely.

Rebecca's thoughts turned from Miss Brigham to David. Why did he have to be so mean to her? Why couldn't he understand she couldn't like him that way? She was just nine years old; she wasn't old enough for grown up things like kissing. That was what Reverend Crane and Miss Brigham had said, only grown ups could kiss like that. Rebecca might have to act like an adult at times, but she was still a child. Sometimes she even still got scared of the dark and had to take a doll out from beneath her pillow. She shook her head as she realized her bed and the doll were both gone now.

The storm hadn't done anything to the fountain cave. There were a few more rocks scattered around out front, but otherwise it looked the same. As she always did, Rebecca took a deep breath before she went inside.

Samantha had first taken her to the fountain cave three years ago. That was when Annie had come down with a fever. At the time Annie had been almost the same age as Rebecca. Samantha took Rebecca into the cave, where she'd first seen the pool of glowing water.

"That's the Fountain of Youth," Samantha had said. "You have to be very careful not to get any of the water on you, or else you'll turn little again."

"I won't," Rebecca had said.

Then she had followed Samantha over to the edge of the fountain. Back then when Rebecca had looked down at the water, she had seen herself as a toddler and a baby. "Why are my reflections so little?" she asked.

"It just shows you who you used to be," Samantha said.

"You too?"

"Even me. Even Miss Brigham."

"Oh," Rebecca said. She had taken a step back from the water to watch as Samantha leaned down to scoop some out.

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