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Young Family

Page 81

"I'm not that little."

"How old are you?"

"Nine-and a half."

"Well when you're twice that you can try one of these."

"Why do I have to wait that long?"

"Because then you'll be a grown up."

"Oh. So could Miss Brigham have one?"

"I suppose she could. I wouldn't recommend it."

"Why not?"

"These can make you sick."

"Then why are you doing it?"

"Just a bad habit. You have any bad habits?"

"I bite my fingernails sometimes. Miss Brigham says girls shouldn't do that."

"She's probably right. You'll never get pretty nails if you keep biting them."

"I guess not."

Miss Brigham appeared on the path. She didn't seem to be carrying anything, though. Her face flushed red as she got closer. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Delgado, but I'm afraid my house has been destroyed. I tried Reverend Crane's house, but there was nothing in it."

"We'll have to go to the cave then," Rebecca said.

"I suppose so." Miss Brigham looked around. "Where's Samantha? Did she go inside?"

"Her and the older boys went to find Prudence."

"Where's Prudence?"

"We don't know. She left before the storm and no one's seen her."

"Oh my. This is terrible news. I've done such an awful job of tending to you children. If Reverend Crane were here, he would have me whipped."

"Don't be too hard on yourself," Mr. Delgado said. "You can't be everywhere at once."

"Thank you, Mr. Delgado."

"You can call me Hector."

Miss Brigham giggled like a toddler at this. "You can call me Molly."

"That's a great name. It really suits you. I bet your parents were Irish, weren't they?"

"I'm not really sure."

"Well you've got the look."

"Thank you."

Rebecca only rolled her eyes at this. "I'll go down to the cave," she said. First, though, she went into the church to find a container. The cups and jars from the dining hall had all been smashed. They had brought up a few from the barns-which had survived for the most part-but those were filled with regular water.

Then Rebecca saw the gold bowl Reverend Crane had used for communion. That ought to work well enough. She scooped up the bowl and then headed to the door. Annie intercepted her before she could get there. "Where are you going?"

"I just need to get some water from the cave."

"Can I go?"

"No. Not until you're older."

"That's not fair. I'm not a baby."

"Are too," Helena said.

"None of you are going with me. I'll be back in a few minutes. Until then you all behave and listen to Miss Brigham. Understand?"

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