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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 49

They swung in at the gates of the park in a few minutes, and drove up

through meadow-grass, ripening for hay,--it was no grand aristocratic

deer-park this--to the old red-brick hall; not three hundred yards

from the high-road. There had been no footman sent with the carriage,

but a respectable servant stood at the door, even before they drew

up, ready to receive the expected visitor, and take her into the

drawing-room where his mistress lay awaiting her.

Mrs. Hamley rose from her sofa to give Molly a gentle welcome; she

kept the girl's hand in hers after she had finished speaking, looking

into her face, as if studying it, and unconscious of the faint blush

she called up on the otherwise colourless cheeks.

"I think we shall be great friends," said she, at length. "I like

your face, and I am always guided by first impressions. Give me a

kiss, my dear."

It was far easier to be active than passive during this process of

"swearing eternal friendship," and Molly willingly kissed the sweet

pale face held up to her.

"I meant to have gone and fetched you myself; but the heat oppresses

me, and I did not feel up to the exertion. I hope you had a pleasant


"Very," said Molly, with shy conciseness.

"And now I will take you to your room; I have had you put close to

me; I thought you would like it better, even though it was a smaller

room than the other."

She rose languidly, and wrapping her light shawl round her yet

elegant figure, led the way upstairs. Molly's bedroom opened

out of Mrs. Hamley's private sitting-room; on the other side of

which was her own bedroom. She showed Molly this easy means of

communication, and then, telling her visitor she would await her in

the sitting-room, she closed the door, and Molly was left at leisure

to make acquaintance with her surroundings.

First of all, she went to the window to see what was to be seen.

A flower-garden right below; a meadow of ripe grass just beyond,

changing colour in long sweeps, as the soft wind blew over it; great

old forest-trees a little on one side; and, beyond them again, to be

seen only by standing very close to the side of the window-sill, or

by putting her head out, if the window was open, the silver shimmer

of a mere, about a quarter of a mile off. On the opposite side to the

trees and the mere, the look-out was bounded by the old walls and

high-peaked roofs of the extensive farm-buildings. The deliciousness

of the early summer silence was only broken by the song of the birds,

and the nearer hum of bees. Listening to these sounds, which enhanced

the exquisite sense of stillness, and puzzling out objects obscured

by distance or shadow, Molly forgot herself, and was suddenly

startled into a sense of the present by a sound of voices in the

next room--some servant or other speaking to Mrs. Hamley. Molly

hurried to unpack her box, and arrange her few clothes in the

pretty old-fashioned chest of drawers, which was to serve her

as dressing-table as well. All the furniture in the room was as

old-fashioned and as well-preserved as it could be. The chintz

curtains were Indian calico of the last century--the colours almost

washed out, but the stuff itself exquisitely clean. There was a

little strip of bedside carpeting, but the wooden flooring, thus

liberally displayed, was of finely-grained oak, so firmly joined,

plank to plank, that no grain of dust could make its way into the

interstices. There were none of the luxuries of modern days; no

writing-table, or sofa, or pier-glass. In one corner of the walls was

a bracket, holding an Indian jar filled with pot-pourri; and that and

the climbing honeysuckle outside the open window scented the room

more exquisitely than any toilette perfumes. Molly laid out her white

gown (of last year's date and size) upon the bed, ready for the (to

her new) operation of dressing for dinner, and having arranged her

hair and dress, and taken out her company worsted-work, she opened

the door softly, and saw Mrs. Hamley lying on the sofa.

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