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Wives and Daughters: An Every-Day Story

Page 48

Of course the news of Miss Gibson's approaching departure had spread

through the household before the one o'clock dinner-time came; and

Mr. Coxe's dismal countenance was a source of much inward irritation

to Mr. Gibson, who kept giving the youth sharp glances of savage

reproof for his melancholy face, and want of appetite; which he

trotted out, with a good deal of sad ostentation; all of which was

lost upon Molly, who was too full of her own personal concerns to

have any thought or observation to spare from them, excepting once or

twice when she thought of the many days that must pass over before

she should again sit down to dinner with her father.

When she named this to him after the meal was over, and they were

sitting together in the drawing-room, waiting for the sound of the

wheels of the Hamley carriage, he laughed, and said,--

"I'm coming over to-morrow to see Mrs. Hamley; and I daresay I shall

dine at their lunch; so you won't have to wait long before you've the

treat of seeing the wild beast feed."

Then they heard the approaching carriage.

"Oh, papa," said Molly, catching at his hand, "I do so wish I wasn't

going, now that the time is come."

"Nonsense; don't let us have any sentiment. Have you got your keys?

that's more to the purpose."

Yes; she had got her keys, and her purse; and her little box was

put up on the seat by the coachman; and her father handed her in;

the door was shut, and she drove away in solitary grandeur, looking

back and kissing her hand to her father, who stood at the gate, in

spite of his dislike of sentiment, as long as the carriage could

be seen. Then he turned into the surgery, and found Mr. Coxe had

had his watching too, and had, indeed, remained at the window

gazing, moonstruck, at the empty road, up which the young lady had

disappeared. Mr. Gibson startled him from his reverie by a sharp,

almost venomous, speech about some small neglect of duty a day or two

before. That night Mr. Gibson insisted on passing by the bedside of a

poor girl whose parents were worn-out by many wakeful anxious nights

succeeding to hard-working days.

Molly cried a little, but checked her tears as soon as she remembered

how annoyed her father would have been at the sight of them. It

was very pleasant driving quickly along in the luxurious carriage,

through the pretty green lanes, with dog-roses and honeysuckles so

plentiful and rathe in the hedges, that she once or twice was tempted

to ask the coachman to stop till she had gathered a nosegay. She

began to dread the end of her little journey of seven miles; the only

drawback to which was, that her silk was not a true clan-tartan, and

a little uncertainty as to Miss Rose's punctuality. At length they

came to a village; straggling cottages lined the road, an old church

stood on a kind of green, with the public-house close by it; there

was a great tree, with a bench all round the trunk, midway between

the church gates and the little inn. The wooden stocks were close to

the gates. Molly had long passed the limit of her rides, but she knew

this must be the village of Hamley, and that they must be very near

to the hall.

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