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Till Dark

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An hour later she was buried in her work and her pot of tea had long since been empty. She was taking a small break from her work to run downstairs and fix another pot of tea when the doorbell rang. She froze for a moment till she remembered that they had already caught Clark and then her thoughts flew to Andy. "Oh great just what I need him to be on my doorstep wanting to whisk me away on his jet back to a life on the island." Jordan smiled in spite of herself at what she just said. It sounded more like a dream come true than a curse. She set the kettle on the stove to heat and walked into the foyer to answer the door. Quickly she glanced through the peephole to see who it was. Relief washed over her when she saw that it was not Andy, and then fear gripped her as realized that a police Officer was there instead. He was tall and lanky with a thick flock of sandy blonde hair. His narrow shoulders were squared and he looked every bit the part of a policeman. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, which he removed to reveal a pair of kind brown eyes. Jordan opened the door slowly. "Yes Officer can I help you?" "I'm Officer Donaldson. Are you Jordan Mackenzie?" "Yes that's me. What's this about? Cody is he all right? Alex? Nothing has happened has it?" Her hand flew to her throat in a panic and she gasped. "No ma'am I just need for you to come with me down to the station to answer a few questions. "More curious than ever Jordan agreed. Just let me do a few things before we go please." "Yes ma'am I'll wait here for you." Jordan could only imagine the type of questions that she would have to answer. It made her stomach turn to think about the memories they would invoke and the fear and pain she had endured over the past two weeks or rather year. Quickly she saved her work then glanced down, she was still wearing the robe from her bath earlier. She laughed out loud at herself as she quickly threw on a pair of shorts and T-shirt. Turning out the lights she headed downstairs to turn off the kettle and grab her keys and purse. She locked the door and climbed into the car with Officer Donaldson.

Jordan followed the Officer into the police station. "Just have a seat over there and I'll let them know that you're here. He waved his hand toward a bench on his right. "Great Jordan thought I'll never get my work done now this will take hours I can tell. As Jordan turned around to make her way over to the bench she saw Alex and Cody sitting there. "What in the world are the two of you doing here?" "An Officer came to the office and told me that he needed me for questioning and here I am. But I'm not sure why they sent for Cody unless something desperate has happened." Alex immediately let worry consume her features. "Now Alex I'm sure that it's not that serious or they would have gotten us here sooner. Not to mention we are sitting in the front lobby and if something were truly wrong we would have been escorted to an office or room somewhere safe. "You're right perhaps they just want to offer us protective custody or to see if we can identify someone." Just then Officer Donaldson appeared and came ambling over to them. Ladies there is someone here to see Jordan to ask her a few questions. He will be out momentarily. "Thank you." They both replied politely in unison. A moment later all the lights went out. Cody screamed and a second later they came back on and that's when Jordan saw him. "Oh my God." She breathed. "What? What do you see Jordan tell me?" "It's him." She watched as the tall figure made his way over to them. "Who? Jordan will you please tell me what you are..." She never finished her sentence because at that moment a tall dark stranger was down on one knee in front of all of them. Alex sat mesmerized by the scene unfolding in front of her. "What are you doing here?" "I told you I can't let you go I love you." He reached behind him and pulled out a black box. Taking Jordan's hand in his he placed the most beautiful 1 caret oval solitaire Jordan had ever seen on her finger. Tears streamed down her face. "Jordan Mackenzie I love you with all my heart and will do anything to make you happy. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?" Jordan was not sure what she wanted before but at that moment it hit her. "Oh yes Andy I will marry you." She jumped off the bench into his waiting arms for a kiss that made her weak in the knees. The entire police station clapped and cheered along with Alex who was secretly behind the whole thing. She had finally paid her best friend back for being set up all those years ago.

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