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The Wronged Princess - Book I

Page 19

"Please make ready by the end of a fortnight, Madame. A carriage shall be conveyed to transport your family at that time."

She inclined her head and he turned and snatched his newly betrothed's hand, kissing the air above, slightly in awe of the breeze that touched his brow. "Until later, my lady."

Odd, how those eyes flurried in anticipation, or could it be apprehension? How had this happened? Is this what his life was to become? Married to a…a woman who…

He pulled himself together. There must be a way around this development. No matter that he was the culprit that set the entire disaster in motion. He was his own worst enemy.

Prince mounted his horse, a great brute of a stallion, something a man could take pride in.

The frightening mother cast her daughter a final exasperated look and rolled her eyes. She dipped a deep curtsy, prodding her daughters to do the same. Prince managed to hold back a groan and raised a hand in farewell.

Somehow he and Arnald would claw their way from this scrape. They always had before. Surely, they could once more.

With a quick nod, he signaled the royal party to follow. Once they'd made distance he shook his head, numbed by the turn of events.

A sharp gust of wind burst out of nowhere. Unable to resist he cast one last glance behind. The mother's robust figure disappeared into the cottage, followed by the blonde with the over-large feet. Even from this reach he could see her stiff back, and fuming with resentment.

The stunning outcome of the events had him on the verge of hysterical laughter. He bit it back. He didn't want to terrify his party. Bewildered, Prince shifted in his seat to the entourage, and cited calmly-because that is how one's leader was expected to carry oneself, "Well, I believe we have accomplished our search." He would never know how he managed not to strangulate on the words.

He motioned to the footmen and trumpet player to lead on, but narrowed his eyes on Arnald, swiping a suspicious smirk from his face, not quickly enough, however. "Do you find something amusing, Cousin?" Prince demanded softly.

"Oh, oui, Cousin. I believe I find thought of the next few weeks highly entertaining."

He scowled at the cur. Mayhap, he would seek help elsewhere.


What a completely hopeless situation. Prince guided his men through to the courtyard stables, slid from his horse and pitched the reins to a waiting groom.

It wasn't her. Where was his mysterious princess? He'd searched everywhere. 'Twas as if she'd vanished into thin air. And what was he to do now? He could not conceivably marry Elspeth. Non, non, that was not right. Erasma.

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