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The Wronged Princess - Book I

Page 18

Fairy Godmother pressed on. "Honestly, I can certainly understand the queen's disconcertment. What had he hoped to expect when he took that slipper to try on every maiden in the kingdom, hmm?" Dark premonition stole over Cinderella.

Fairy Godmother's exasperation surprised Cinderella into silence. She couldn't have spoken a coherent word if she'd wanted. Fear mingled with something she could not define. Dread, it was dread.

Fairy Godmother rambled on. Bizarre ramblings, speaking more to herself.

"Did he truthfully believe only one person in all the land should fit a shoe in that size?" Irritation colored Fairy Godmother's features, her impatience now reigning full force. "The human race would not survive long if one led with such lack-witted intelligence. It is quite beyond my comprehension."

Cinderella's mouth gaped. She was too stunned to speak.

Fairy Godmother pinned her with a sharp gaze. "The queen would like my, um, cooperation," she said.

"I…I beg your…your pardon?" Fear had her words choking out on a whisper.

"As much as it pains me to put you through this, dear, I do believe the larger picture takes precedence." Fairy Godmother stood, and a certain panic soared through Cinderella. "And I've offered my assistance." She lifted Cinderella's chin with an index finger, nodded sharply once, then dissipated along with her chair, leaving the black kettle in its wake. Dust and all. The stick clattered to the floor once more in her hasty departure. It rolled to a complete stop at Cinderella's feet. She stared at it somewhat stunned.

"Fairy Godmother, arrêtez. Wait. Don't go," Cinderella called out, any pretense of control deserting her. To her immense relief sparkles filled the air and Fairy Godmother reappeared. "Oh, thank goodness. I knew you wouldn't desert me."

But after a quick, sad smile, she snatched up her silver baton. "This thing! 'Tis nothing but a nuisance, I vow," she muttered then melted away.

"But…but..." Cinderella's voice trailed away though she longed to scream out her frustration. Fairy Godmother would not be returning, she knew it in her heart. Tears filled her eyes as she cast a forlorn gaze about the room. Free of shimmers or glitters, or any other sign any one other than Cinderella had been there. Despair crushed her chest. She scanned the room for any evidence, landing on Marcel perched in the corner. At least he'd been spared.

Cinderella sniffed back more tears and mustered up a weak smile at his encouraging peep. What would become of her now?


Almost forgetting the matron of the little group, Prince spun around. He clicked his heels together and bowed over the swollen appendage of his future mother-in-law's hand in a grand gesture that only a charming prince could maneuver. At the very least he knew his strengths.

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