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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 49

"I'm not on birth control, Caine," she said, sounding out of breath as she spread her legs wider, cradling him perfectly as he lay on top of her. He propped himself up on his elbows, keeping most of his weight off her.

He could feel her hot and wet against his stomach and shifted slightly so that his hard c**k lay across her slit, giving her something to grind against and grind she did.

"We don't need it, baby," he said as he licked around the tight pink nipple.

She stilled beneath him. "I don't want kids, Caine."

He flicked his tongue over the tip of her nipple. "Neither do I," he said, shooting her a look of warning. She better not change her mind because he wasn't having it. It was bad enough that Danni had been a bit of a weakness for him for so many years, he sure as hell wasn't going to give his enemies something they could use against him like a child. He didn't want to curse any child with a never ending existence.

"Then you'll have to pull out," she said firmly, squirming beneath him in a desperate attempt to pull his c**k inside of her.

Shaking his head, he latched onto her nipple, making her back bow and lift off the ground. Before she dropped back against the ground he thrust, entering the tightest, hottest hold he'd ever experienced in his life.

Danni's hold on him tightened as she widened her legs impossibly further and moved against him. He gave her nipple one last lick before he shifted so that he could watch her as she moved beneath him. He'd never allowed another woman to control anything in bed before, but with Danni he was helpless to stop her.

He loved the look of rapture on her face as she slowly slid down his c**k until only the tip remained inside and then flexed her h*ps to take him all the way back in. For several pleasurable moments he allowed her to call the shots while he watched her. She was so beautiful, he thought as he leaned down and took her mouth.

This kiss was different from the last one. This kiss was slow, but no less hungry as they explored each other's mouths. He loved it when she ran the tip of her tongue over his. It was like a shot straight to his cock. When he couldn't take any more he slowly thrust forward, meeting her halfway before they pulled apart and did it all over again.

Their rhythm and movements were perfect. It felt like they'd had a century of making love behind them instead of this being the first time. Everything about this woman was made for him and him alone. She felt so perfect in his arms and he knew that it was only going to get better in time.

"Don't forget to pull out," she said against his mouth.

"No need," he said, panting hard as he nibbled on her bottom lip, "you're not ovulating." If she had been he would have pleasured her with his mouth and fingers and simply used her mouth for relief. He stayed the hell away from ovulating women. He didn't trust pulling out, condoms or birth control, accidents happened and he'd be damned if he was stuck with a permanent weakness for the rest of his life. Make that two permanent weaknesses, he thought as he looked into Danni's beautiful red eyes as they thrust against each other.

"Harder," she cried into his mouth as her movements became frantic and he felt her walls clamp down tightly around him.

His fingers dug into the ground as he did just that. For years he had to hold back with women, but he would never have to do that with Danni. Anything he dished out she could handle and he couldn't help but feel freed by the knowledge.

He pulled back and slammed into her over and over again, waiting for her to scream for him to stop or show some sign of distress so when she pulled his head down for another hot kiss he decided that there were definitely benefits to having a mate.

"Caine!" she screamed his name into his mouth as her sheath clamped around him to the point that he actually feared that she might break his shaft in half. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to keep moving as she milked him for all he was worth.

When his orgasm hit him it took him by surprise, robbing him of his breath and sanity. He looked down into beautiful violet eyes as intense pleasure unlike anything he'd ever known before surged through him and he was lost.

Nothing was ever going to be the same after this.

Chapter 24

Danni wasn't sure how much time had passed before she felt Caine's body relax and he began snoring, but it hadn't been fast enough for her. As carefully as she could she pushed Caine's arm off of her from where it lay across her waist and slowly eased away from him.

The cold air immediately assaulted her and made her wish that she could stay in Caine's arms where she was warm and felt protected for the first time in a long time, but she couldn't. This had been a mistake, an earth shattering, mind blowing mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.

What the hell was wrong with her sleeping with a man who not only abandoned her when she needed him the most, but also rejected her two days ago? Was she really that desperate? Apparently so, because not too long ago she hadn't been able to get enough of him.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she remembered clawing at him, unable to get close enough to him. Well, at least his opinion of her couldn't get any lower, she thought dryly as she glanced over her shoulder into the still dark night. She needed to get out of here and put some distance between them before he woke up. Hopefully she'd be able to thumb a ride before he realized that she was gone.

She looked down at her torn, dirt streaked shirt and winced. Getting a ride might be a problem. She chanced one last look at the man who used to be her entire world before she turned around and walked away.


"Who told you that it was okay to leave your post?" Lucan demanded of the cowering vampire that Greg convinced to go enjoy himself eight or so hours ago.

The vampire threw him a nervous glance, but said nothing. Not that he had to point his finger at Greg. Lucan followed the man's gaze and narrowed his eyes on Greg. With a barely noticeable flick of his hand, Lucan sent the vampire flying across the room.

"Don't disobey me again," Lucan said calmly as he headed towards Greg with a look that promised all sorts of pain, but Greg wasn't afraid and for a very good reason.

The Master.

Greg wasn't surprised that the Master took an instant liking to him and allowed him to run things. The Master had a keen eye for talent and he knew that Greg would get the job done. Of course, he didn't know that Greg had f**ked up and he'd make damn sure that the Master never found out.

The plan had been simple, screw over the competition and clear the path so that when the time came for him, and it better be soon, he could take his place at the right hand of the Master. What he hadn't expected was for Caine and the bitch to make their escape. If he had known the bastard would be able to break loose, he never would have done this. He would have found a different way to screw over Lucan.

Now he had to figure out a way to get Caine back or his usefulness would come to an end and the Master would never change him. He was not about to let that happen. He'd worked too hard and for too long to let that happen and lost too much, he thought bitterly as he looked down at the bandaged stub where his arm should have been.

Caine and that little bitch would pay for that. He would make sure that Caine turned her so that he could torment the bitch forever. He already had a list of at least a hundred things that he planned on doing to her. By the time he found them that list would probably have a thousand fun little activities, but first he had to deal with the ass**le standing in his way.

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