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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 48

'Trust me, sweetheart, it's plenty strong," he said with a wink as he moved his tongue back up to her clit, gently rubbing it with the flat of his tongue as he slid a finger inside her wet sheath. His balls pulled up tight as he moved his finger in the too tight sheath. When he managed to slide his finger all the way in without coming into contact with her hymen he had to force the rage that was building inside of him to simmer down.

It shouldn't matter to him that she wasn't a virgin, but it did. He should have been her first and her last, he realized as he thrust his finger back inside of her. No man should have touched what was his, he thought as a vicious growl erupted from his throat. He was going to thoroughly mark her so that even a f**king human male could tell from a hundred yards away that she was his. He would kill any male that so much as-

"This means that you can't blame this on the drugs later," Danni said, in an oddly strained tone.

No, he wouldn't be blaming the drugs in his system for this. The blame for this belonged with their unfortunate mating. She was his mate and the need to mark her as his own was too strong for him to pull back and think this through rationally. If he'd been able to think with his head instead of his dick he would have taken her as far away from here as he could, but instead he hadn't been able to keep his hands off of her. The drugs may have worn off, but it didn't lessen his need for her.

"It doesn't matter," he said as he pressed a kiss against her clit, slowly sliding his finger in and out of her wet sheath, preparing her for him as he looked up and met her eyes. His tongue and finger stilled as he met the fiery red eyes of a Pyte in the throes of bloodlust.

Aw, shit..........

Perhaps he should have made sure that she fed from one of the vampires on their way out, he mused as he suddenly found himself shoved back by one of her small feet. Danni growled a soft warning as she slowly sat up and got into a crouching position on the large boulder, never taking her eyes away from him, her prey.

"You need to calm down," he said, feeling like an idiot and damn well knowing that she was beyond calming down right now. Danni was no longer in charge, bloodlust was. She was there, but she was too dazed to take control. Primal need had taken over and rationalizing with her was just a waste of time so he wasn't even going to bother trying.

Well, this was going to be a new experience for him, he thought dryly as she prepared to launch herself at him. He'd never been on this side of bloodlust before and as she made her move he made a mental note to make sure to never let this happen again.

The air rushed out of his lungs as he was slammed flat on his back with an out of control, yet sexy, Pyte on top of him. He made no moves to shove her off of him or to try and get away since it would only make this worse. The scent of his adrenaline would put her into kill mode and he'd rather not be forced to hurt her.

When she gripped his hair and forced his head to the side it took every last ounce of will power to let it happen. He didn't like being pushed around and he sure as hell didn't like being made into someone's bitch. Unfortunately, he had to take it and hope that Danni didn't force him to hurt her.

"Holy shit!" he roared when she struck without warning.

Instinctively he reached up and grabbed her hips, ready to throw her off of him, but the first pull at his neck had him rolling his head to the side and giving her more access to his neck. She made little mewling sounds as she drank from him and he swore then and there that whenever he went to check on her in the future she would only be allowed to drink from him. She could drink the bagged blood shit when he wasn't around.

She moaned against his skin as her hold on his hair lessened until she was absently running her fingers through his hair almost in a petting motion. This felt f**king fantastic, he thought as his eyes burned and his fangs slid down, more than ready to play. He felt the tip of his c**k work its way out of the waist of his boxers the same time the scent of her arousal hit him hard.

They both needed relief and if he didn't get it soon he was going to lose control. While one hand moved to cup her bare ass, he reached between them and released his cock. Grabbing the base, he moved his c**k until the head was pressed against her wet slit.

When she moaned he damn near wept with relief. She was coming to and not a moment too soon, because no matter how hard she made him he would never take her without her permission. He'd done a lot of f**ked up things in his long life, but he'd never forced a woman and he sure as hell wasn't about to start with his mate.

"C-Caine?" she said, sounding uncertain as she slowly pulled away from his neck. She'd taken a lot of blood from him, but thankfully nothing a little time wouldn't fix.

"Shhh, it's alright, sweetheart. You just went a little too long without blood," he said soothingly as he used his c**k to tease her slit with his piercing, something he knew she liked and if he was going to be honest with himself, something he f**king loved.

In the past, he'd had women who were turned off by his piercing and some who screamed in pleasure the second he slid inside of them, but none of them had ever managed to turn him on with it. To him it was just a reminder to think with his brain instead of his dick, but with Danni he couldn't help but love the way her ni**les hardened and her pu**y clenched with just the barest contact from it. He wondered how wet she'd get when she felt the cool metal piercing rub inside of her as he f**ked her and he was damn well going to f**k her.

"What just happened?" she asked, sounding afraid and damn near breaking his heart.

His Danni wasn't afraid, brave, but never afraid and he hated seeing her like this. She looked so close to crying and he knew that would bother her more than being afraid.

"Just a little bloodlust, Danni, but it's over now," he said, dragging the tip of his c**k down her slit and giving her the distraction that she needed.

She tried to keep her eyes on him even as she licked her lips hungrily and shifted her h*ps to force his piercing to rub her just where she needed it. Her eyes fluttered shut in pleasure, but she forced them to open as she supported herself on one arm as she cupped his cheek with the other.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked, her voice breaking even as pleasure threatened to take over.

"No, baby," he said, shaking his head as he leaned up to brush his lips against hers. "You didn't hurt me. Just relax and let me take care of you," he said, lazily tracing her soaked slit with the head of his c**k as his other hand gently massaged her ass.

A soft moan escaped her parted lips as she flexed her h*ps back and forth, clearly enjoying herself. "We shouldn't be doing this, Caine," she said in a breathy whisper.

"Want me to stop, baby?"

She licked her lips as she shook her head, panting loudly as her body trembled above his. "I'd have to kill you at this point if you did," she said tightly before she released another one of those breathy moans that he was starting to love.

"Then I think I'll take back over," he said with a groan as he stopped what he was doing to wrap his arms around her and roll over.

He didn't waste any time in taking what he wanted. As soon as her back hit the cold ground he moved his mouth between her br**sts and pressed a kiss before turning his head and licking the side of her breast. She hugged his head tightly against her as she let out another one of those throaty moans that he loved and he decided then and there that he was going to have to leave her with a satellite phone on top of that mountain because phone sex with this woman was going to be a must.

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