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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 39

If he didn't kiss her again soon, he was pretty sure that he would die. Then again if he didn't f**k her he was pretty sure that his balls would explode. His hand, as if it had a mind of its own, reached out and covered her ass, giving it a little squeeze that had his c**k jumping in approval and Danni just plain jumping.

With a cute little growl of frustration she reached behind her and slapped his hand away, but not before he got in one more squeeze. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be touching her this way, but he couldn't stop himself. As much as he would love to lay all the blame on the drugs surging through his body he knew that he couldn't. He wanted her, wanted Danni and knew that if they didn't get the hell out of here and away from her that he would take her.

As soon as he stashed her away somewhere safe he was going to have to find a few blood donors and a willing woman or two. It didn't matter that his body wanted Danni, he needed to f**k and he needed to f**k hard and he couldn't do that to her.

She might think that she was a bad ass, but she wasn't. She deserved a man to take her gently and he sure as hell wasn't in any condition to do that. He reached up and ran a shaky hand down his face as his eyes once again dropped to that beautiful ass of hers. Thankfully Danni's stomach growled before he could rethink his game plan to remind him that she hadn't eaten in at least a day.

They'd have to take care of that, but not yet. He wasn't about to let her anywhere near him while this shit was swimming through his veins. Right now he was struggling to do the right thing by her, but if she tasted his blood he'd be helpless to fight the urge to take her. Taking her would be wrong, he reminded himself firmly, very wrong, he thought as his eyes once again landed on her ass along with his hand.

Huh, it really did have a mind of its own, he thought as he turned his hand ever so slighty so that he could cup one cheek.

"Were you always this big of a pervert?" Danni demanded on a rushed whisper, but thankfully didn't shove his hand away.

"No, it's a new development," he mused as he ran his hand over the silky smooth skin of her ass. Never in his long life had he ever felt anything better. He wondered if she used lotion because he would be more than happy to do it for her,

What in the hell was wrong with him? How did he go from staying the hell away from her and still seeing her as the little girl who used to make him cherry Kool-Aid and demand that he drink it, because it was her version of blood and somehow she decided that it would make him live forever to the woman he wanted to take in every single way imaginable?

"Well, stop it!" she hissed. "We need to get out of here," she said, giving his other hand another yank as she moved faster until they were running and he had no choice but to remove his hand from her beautiful ass. His eyes never left her barely covered ass as he scented the air and directed her towards the scent of fresh air and soil. He only stumbled twice, but since she didn't seem to notice he decided that it didn't count and that once they got out of here and this shit out of his system that they were going to pretend that this never happened, he decided as the back of her shirt shifted when she leaned forward to look around a corner and gave him a better view.

Somehow he tore his eyes off heaven and chanced a look over his shoulder. Where the hell was everyone? Not that he was complaining, but Greg's men should have caught up with them by now. He forced himself to focus on everything around him and frowned. The only sounds other than their breathing and the sounds of their feet hitting the tiled floor as they moved down the hallway was the sound of air being pushed through old vents.

Something was wrong.

He stopped short, taking Danni off guard and causing her to slam back into him. She shoved away from him and tried to pull him down the hallway again, but he refused to move as he scented the air and expanded his senses to go further than just down the halls.

"Look, I'm flattered that you're willing to risk torture to grope my ass, I am, really," she said, gesturing impatiently for him to move his ass, "but do you think that maybe you could get your Goddamn hormones in check so that we could get the hell out of here?"

"Shhhh," he hissed softly as he reached out to clamp a hand over her mouth, but of course the stubborn woman simply batted his hand away and stepped back.

"The next time that you do that, I am going to kick you in the ba-"

"It's a trap," he said, cutting off her lovely little tirade.

"What?" she asked, frowning as she looked in both directions of the too quiet hallway.

"It's a trap," he gritted out between clenched teeth as a surge of lust tore through him, nearly dropping him to his knees. The next one did just that. "Mother f**ker!" he roared as he fought for control.

Why the hell did it feel like the effects of the drugs were increasing? With the vampires' blood and the small amount of time that had elapsed since he took the drugs they should be weakening, not increasing.

"Caine? Caine!" He could hear the panic in her voice as she dropped down beside him. She should be scared, but not for him. Lust like nothing he'd ever known before tore through him, sending more blood to his already throbbing c**k and damn near stealing his breath as he fought against the pain and need that was becoming too much to deny.

"Run," he managed to say as he gasped for air.


"Run!" he snapped, his voice sounding more animal than human at the moment as he looked up and met her beautiful startled violet eyes.

"Caine, let's-"

"Run now, Danni, or I swear I will f**k you until you wished you were dead!"

She swallowed, hard, as she reluctantly moved away, never taking her eyes off of him. "When you put it that way," she said, licking her lips nervously as she shot a nervous glance over her shoulder. "Just let me get you somewhere safe before I find a way out for us," she said, looking like she was about to come closer once again.

"Go. I won't be far behind," he said, closing his eyes and dropping his head in defeat.

No, he wouldn't be far behind her at all.


"Oh, hell," Danni said, stumbling as the unholy roar echoed down the hall.

It was like the subway station all over again, except this time when he caught her he was going to try and kill her with sex. She licked her lips as she tried to ignore the images racing through her head of him doing exactly that. It was so wrong that those thoughts made her wet instead of scared the hell out of her. Really, what was wrong with her?

Any other woman would be a sobbing mess as she frantically tried to get away from Caine. Granted, she was running away from him, but she was doing it more to get them somewhere safe. She knew he was going to follow. She'd known it the second she saw that hungry look in his eye. When he caught her he was going take her, hard, and sadly enough she couldn't wait, she thought with a little pleased grin as she quickened her pace.

His next roar shook the tunnel so hard that a few tiles actually cracked and popped off the walls, making her rethink this little plan of hers. Maybe letting a crazed Pyte who seemed on the verge of going feral between her legs wasn't such a good idea, she thought as she quickened her pace.

"What the hell was that?" she heard a man ask just as his mouthwatering aroma reached her. She was so hungry, she thought as she licked her lips. Maybe she had time for a quick bite.

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