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Tall, Dark & Heartless

Page 38

Practically raping the man she used to idolize was a bit creepy, but the thing that pissed her off the most was reacting to the man who'd broken her heart and left her alone when she'd needed him. She'd be damned if she needed him for anything, especially sex. She wasn't weak and she sure as hell wouldn't let him think that she was. With that in mind, she moved her ass a little faster, more than willing to get this over with quickly and put some real distance between them.

The scent of his arousal hit just as she found herself once again in his arms, with her back pressed against his chest and a very large, very hard erection pressed against her lower back. With an annoyed sigh she tried to move away from him, but he simply tightened his arms around her as he skimmed his nose down her neck.

"Stop f**king teasing me," he bit out in a harsh whisper.

"I'm not!" she hissed as she moved to shove his hands away only to have the bastard run his hands over her stomach and down over her thighs as he released a growl of approval that had her licking her lips and squeezing her legs together.

She would not react to him, damn it!

"Your shirt is barely covering your ass as you sway it back and forth. It's driving me out of my f**king mind," he said as he pressed a hot openmouthed kiss to her neck.

It felt so damn good, she thought as she struggled against the urge to close her eyes and drop her head back to give him better access. They didn't have time for this, she reminded herself as she caught one of his hands heading north and the other one heading south.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she demanded on a whisper. "We have to go. Didn't that blood flush out whatever the hell it is that they gave you?" she demanded as she caught his hand heading north, again. With a roll of her eyes she shoved his hand away, unable to help but feel like she was back in eighth grade and watching a movie with Tommy Tompkins in his parent's basement. It was annoying then and it was annoying now.

"It wasn't enough," he said, stating the obvious as gently rocked against her back.

She may have moaned even as she managed to shove away from him and forced herself to move forward. His pained groan was somewhat satisfying, she thought with a smile as she moved down the dimly lit hallway that was a little too sterile and creepy for her peace of mind.

Where the hell were they? More importantly she wondered, where the....where the.....what was that delicious scent? She licked her lips and groaned as her stomach released a vicious growl that actually frightened her a little bit. She couldn't remember ever being this hungry before.

The only thing good about being this ravenous was that it was overshadowing her embarrassing reaction to Caine. Seriously, what the hell was that anyway? she wondered as she found herself walking towards that mouthwatering scent. For years she did her best to pretend that the man didn't exist to suddenly finding herself aching for him? Something was seriously screwed up here. Maybe they'd laced her food with something as well, she wondered as the scent intensified and an accompanying heartbeat clued her in to what she smelled.

A human.

A familiar human, she realized with a frown as she found herself drawn to the scent of that gross cologne that Greg practically bathed in. When she heard the sounds of footsteps suddenly growing closer and the scent of the spicy cologne tickled her nose she knew exactly who was coming her way.

"Danni, stop!" Caine hissed, but she wasn't listening as she broke out into a run. She'd barely run ten feet down the hall when Greg suddenly appeared around the corner. The stunned look on his face was quickly replaced by of one of fear when realization dawned.

"They're escaping!" he shouted even as he stumbled back and turned to flee, but she wasn't about to let him off that easily, not after what he'd done to them. She was going to-

"No!" Caine snapped as his hand tightened around her arm and he yanked her back.

"Let me go!"

"We have to go!"

"Right after I kill him," she said, struggling to get free. "I'll be quick. I promise."

Caine yanked her back, ignoring her attempts to free herself and kill the bastard and turned her away from Greg before the bastard could see her red eyes. "We need to go now, Danni, before I lose control and they throw us back in that room!" he snapped, but she was barely paying attention to him as she doubled her efforts to get to the smug bastard who was giving her his cockiest grin as vampires and minions came running to stop them.

"So? If you go into bloodlust you'll be able to take them all out," she pointed out, not really seeing the problem and wanted to kill the bastard too damn much at the moment to give the issue any real thought.

This time he yanked her back until she stumbled back and slammed hard into his chest. "I meant," he bit out tightly near her ear just as she registered that stubborn erection of his once again stabbing her in the back, "that if we didn't go soon that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from f**king you any longer. If we don't leave now I'm not going to be able to keep myelf from shoving you against that wall and burying myself to the balls in you while Greg's little army tries to tear us apart."

Now that gave her pause.

She knew that they didn't have a choice. They had to leave, because there was no way in hell that she'd be able to tear the bastard's throat out while slapping away Caine's wandering hands. Speaking of wandering hands....

"Stop that," she snapped, grabbing his hand as it moved to cup her between her legs.

With an annoyed sigh, she gave his hand a good yank, pulling him in the opposite direction. "Let's go find you a cold shower, shall we?"

Chapter 19

Holly hell, this f**king hurt, Caine thought as he allowed Danni to pull him in the opposite direction. His c**k was harder than steel at the moment and his balls were pulled up so tightly against his body that every movement sent the oversensitive area into agony. He needed to come.


But now wasn't exactly a convenient time, he realized as a bullet went whistling by his head. With a muttered curse, he shoved Danni down a hallway to their right and scented the air. He could smell vampires, blood, humans, sex and a hint of dirt. It was a little harder to scent out the aroma of soil with the other competing odors, especially with Danni's inviting aroma, but somehow he managed to stay focused, somewhat.

He couldn't exactly stop his eyes from dropping down to the exposed section of her ass and licking his lips hungrily as he imagined licking and kissing that bare skin. With an inward groan he forced his eyes away and shoved Danni down a hallway to their left. Where the hell were they? he wondered. It was like a f**king maze down here.

The only thing he knew for sure was that they were below ground. The air around them had the stale scent of air that was re-circulated. The walls were that institutional white that made him think of hospitals and old municipal buildings and the doors were all solid wood and covered in the same aged white paint as the walls. Based on the size of the room they were kept in he didn't think it was a hospital, an old administrative building perhaps? Whatever it was they needed to get out of here before he lost control and did something that he'd regret.

He ran his tongue over his lips again as his eyes dropped down to the curves of her bare ass that poked out beneath the bottom of her shirt. When he tasted her on his lips he couldn't quite bite back a groan of pleasure. She was sweet, so decadent and he wanted more, a hell of a lot more.

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