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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

Page 78

Thankfully Jessie had just wanted to talk. Jeff wasn’t at the house, and when he’d walked in, he’d been pleasantly surprised to find the house clean for a change.

When Jessie mentioned that she was going to start going back to her AA meetings, he’d been happy to see a turn for the better with her. For the first time in months, he actually thought he saw a glimpse of hope in her eyes, and he wanted to support her. Unfortunately, he’d done it at Ashleigh’s expense, and that was bothering him more than he was willing to admit.

Why did he keep doing this to himself? He owed nothing to Jessie, yet he found himself going to check on her when she needed him. Not to mention, he continued to pay for everything she had, despite the fact that she didn’t seem grateful in the least.

During their brief conversation, Alex had mentioned Ashleigh and alluded to the fact that what he felt for her was serious. Although Jessie seemed to take the news in stride, he wasn’t so sure she was handling it as well as he’d given her credit for.

Only time would tell, though. And since he’d finally settled into the idea of being with Ashleigh, he wasn’t as worried about what Jessie thought or even what she needed from him. He’d decided on the quick drive to Xavier’s that it was time to let Ashleigh know his true feelings.

Now as he searched through the crowd, trying to find her, he felt his heart swell. That tended to happen just from the thought of seeing her, and being in her presence normally left him feeling elated. Something he wasn’t used to feeling, because, in all honesty, he hadn’t had a relationship thrive the way theirs was. He only hoped she felt the same because it was time they take things to the next level.

“Alex!” A deep, booming voice called out from across the room, and Alex turned to see Nate Thomas coming his way.

“Congratulations, man.” He told Dylan’s son when he approached, holding out his hand.

Nate clasped his hand with a firm grip before returning his hands to his pockets. “Thanks. Glad you could make it.”

“Wouldn’t have missed it.” Alex admitted.

“Look,” Nate began, looking a little intimidated but a strong sense of determination in his steely blue eyes.

That must’ve been a family trait because he’d seen the same look in both Dylan and Ashleigh’s eyes from time to time.

“I’d like to come talk to you sometime this week if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, what’s up?” Alex asked, trying to get a read on the kid.

“I’d like to talk to you about a job.” Nate said quickly. “I’m not looking for a hand out, but I’d like to get your feel on what I might be able to contribute to CISS. I’m starting school in the fall, and I’ve talked to Sam a few times, and I’ve decided what I’d like to do.”

Alex listened as Nate rushed through his spiel quickly, nervously. “I’d be happy to talk to you, Nate.”

The idea of Nate Thomas working for CISS thrilled him. If the young man had half the determination and strong will as his father, Alex would definitely benefit from having him onboard. “Let’s meet on Tuesday, at my office. That work for you?”

“It does.” Nate’s eyes lit up, and he thrust his hand out once again. “Thanks, Alex.”

“Sure thing. Have you seen Ashleigh?” He asked when he realized Nate had nothing more to say.

“She was wandering around here earlier. I thought I saw her outside talking to my dad a few minutes ago.”

Alex patted Nate on the back as he turned to walk away. “Congrats again, Nate.”

With a smile, Ashleigh’s nephew turned and walked away.

“Hey.” That sweet, familiar voice sounded from behind him, causing Alex to turn.

“Hey, beautiful.” Ashleigh looked stunning in a frilly sundress, something he never imagined her wearing, but suddenly wished she’d do it more often.

“Everything ok?” She asked, that worried look haunting her eyes again.

“It will be.” He told her, pulling her to him and kissing her softly on the mouth.

He was overcome with a sudden, intense need to take her to one of those empty guest bedrooms and have his wicked way with her. Leaning down until his lips brushed the soft curve of her ear, Alex whispered, “Can you sneak away for a few minutes?”

When she pulled back, he realized the worry was now replaced with a firestorm of intensity in the amber depths of her gaze.

“I think that can be arranged.” She said, taking his hand and leading him toward the back staircase.

Once upstairs, Ashleigh pulled him down the hallway, toward one wing of the house that had been hers alone when she was growing up. When they reached the end of the hall, she opened the closed door before sneaking them both inside like she expected someone to find them at any moment. He wondered for a brief moment when this had turned into her idea.

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