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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

Page 77

Dylan turned to look at her and Ashleigh noticed the harsh lines bracketing his mouth and the dark circles beneath his eyes. Her heart cracked a little, knowing exactly what he was thinking about.

“She would have wanted to be here.” Dylan said quietly.

Ashleigh touched her brother’s arm, moved in a little closer and leaned against him. “I have a feeling she was.”

“Yeah?” He didn’t sound convinced, but he didn’t say another word.

“Meghan’s been with those kids every single day since the day she died, Dylan. She’ll always be with them. And you.”

“Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to let go.” He stated, but there wasn’t an ounce of humor in the words.

Ashleigh squeezed his arm. “You love her. Plain and simple.” Turning to face him, she waited until he looked at her. “Dylan, it’s alright for you to move on. Meghan would want you to be happy. You were the love of her life, and you gave her those two miracles. Just because she’s gone, doesn’t mean you have to merely exist in this life. It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to her memory.”

Dylan’s mouth hardened even more, and Ashleigh knew he was going to argue with her. She put her hand up to stop him. “I would never tell you how to feel. I couldn’t imagine what you’ve been through, and I won’t pretend to. But I can tell you that you’re missing out on so much by letting her memory haunt you like this. You’ll never forget her, no one would ever want that, but you’ve got to see what you’re doing to yourself and to your kids. Think about it, Dylan.”

“That’s the problem, Ash.” Dylan said, his voice husky with emotion. “I think about it all the time. And I’m ready to move on which I think is part of the problem. I’m scared I’ll forget her.”

“You will never forget the love of your life. She was your soul mate. That will never change, even if you meet someone new, fall in love, Meghan will always be in your heart.”

Dylan laughed, without mirth. “I can assure you, I’ll never fall in love again.”

Ashleigh wasn’t about to argue with him. She begged to differ, but again, she’d never been in his shoes. She couldn’t imagine life without Alex in it, and she was pretty sure if he was tragically taken away from her, she’d never fall in love again, so Dylan might be on to something.

The door behind them clicked as it opened and Ashleigh turned to see who it was. There behind them was a tiny, petite woman that rivaled Sierra in height. Her curly blond hair bobbed sweetly in the breeze, and Ashleigh didn’t miss the way she eyed Dylan.

“Sara?” Dylan called out to her, his voice sounding different than only moments before, causing Ashleigh to turn and look at him.

So, maybe this woman was the reason for all of his internal turmoil. The way Dylan was looking at this waif of a woman was laced with heat and longing, something she feared she’d never see in his eyes again.

“This is my sister, Ashleigh.” He introduced them. “Ashleigh, meet Sara Fulton.”

Ashleigh held out her hand to shake the other woman’s, noting the delicate hand that met hers. The warmth in Sara’s navy blue eyes was unmistakable, making Ashleigh like her immediately.

“Nice to meet you.” Sara said, her voice whisper soft. “I’m Jake’s aunt.”

Jake? Oh. Ashleigh could only assume she meant Jake, the man Nate was talking to earlier.

“Jake’s one of the sales reps I recently hired.” Dylan offered, and Ashleigh suddenly felt like an intruder. Turning to her brother once again, she smiled because the storm clouds in his chocolate brown eyes had dissipated. At least momentarily.

“Nice to meet you, too. I’d better get back inside,” Ashleigh told them. “Oh, and Pops said to let you know he’s looking for you.”

Dylan nodded, but didn’t say a word as his eyes seemed locked on Sara’s. Without another word, Ashleigh snuck away, leaving the two of them alone.

Maybe the sun would come out after all.


Alex walked through the front doors of Xavier’s grand estate, glancing quickly from person to person, looking for Ashleigh. He was late, he knew, and that was his fault.

Or rather Jessie’s.

She had called him just after they walked out of Nate’s graduation ceremony, and he’d ignorantly answered the call. As much as he wanted to ignore her, he hadn’t been able to. During the short drive to her house, he’d wanted to kick himself in the ass for leaving Ashleigh, but by then it had been too late.

When he told her he needed to take care of something, he’d seen the concern in her eyes. And the worry. But she didn’t ask any questions so he’d taken the easy way out.

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