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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

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Alex knew better. Xavier Thomas was anything but.

“Not a problem. Is something wrong?” Alex didn’t know whether to stand or sit, so he opted to stand.

“As a matter of fact, things couldn’t be better.” Xavier stood from his chair and walked around the desk.

At seventy, Xavier was an impressively fit man, dressed impeccably in slacks and a crisp white shirt, accented by one of his many favored ties. Today’s was a shiny red.

“I just got off the phone with Ashleigh. She’s on the road as we speak and the movers should be here within the hour.”

Alex did his best not to give away his thoughts, especially to Xavier.

Ashleigh Thomas was the bane of his existence, and from what he could tell, everyone he knew was well aware of his infatuation with the woman. Seemed that no matter what he did or said, those closest to him knew exactly what she did to him.

“Dylan mentioned it to me.” Alex admitted, knowing he couldn’t get anything past Xavier.

Alex was well aware that Ashleigh was permanently moving back to Dallas, although he had thought she would’ve done so months before when the rumors started flying. No matter how long it took her to get back, he was quite fond of the idea, but he also knew she didn’t want anything to do with him. Apparently Xavier hadn’t gotten that memo either.

“I need a favor.” Xavier leaned against the front of his desk, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at Alex. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Alex felt the scrutiny in the other man’s gaze.

Over the years, he and Xavier had developed a strong working relationship, as well as a personal one. However, he had no illusions about how quickly that relationship could turn sour if Alex were to touch one hair on Ashleigh’s beautiful head. It was a given that if Xavier knew the thoughts that plagued Alex where the other man’s granddaughter was concerned, he just might not see him the same way.

Not that he would ever let on, but the way Xavier’s eyes were focused on him, Alex wondered if the man weren’t just reading his mind.

Patience undoubtedly wasn’t his virtue, but then again, Xavier knew that. “And that is?”

“I need a security system installed at Ashleigh’s new house.” Xavier paused without breaking eye contact. “Today.”

Easy enough, Alex thought to himself. He didn’t actually install the systems, so he could possibly stop by the house before she ever showed up, write up the estimate, and have one of his tech’s back within the hour to complete the job. Or better yet, he could just have Dylan, Ashleigh’s brother and Alex’s new partner, stop by and do the prep work.

Not that he would do either, but those were options.

“That’s easy enough to arrange. Have you talked to Dylan? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind stopping by to check it out.”

Xavier shook his head, before saying, “Dylan’s in the process of helping Stacey move in. And, honestly, I’d prefer that you handle this one. I’m confident in his ability, but I prefer to have your experienced eye on this. You understand.”

No, actually, he didn’t.

Bracing his feet apart, feeling a tad defensive, Alex had to work overtime not to give himself away. After the last incident with Ashleigh, Alex had a feeling she wouldn’t agree with Xavier.

Of course, her preference would likely be for Alex to fall off the face of the earth. Since that wasn’t going to happen, and Alex was inadvertently turned on by her need to avoid him…

What the hell. Might as well go for broke.

“Alright. I have a meeting with Sam in fifteen minutes, but after that, I’ll head over. Have Veronica send me the address.”

“Thanks, Alex.” Xavier stated, going behind his desk once again, sounding even cockier than he had moments before. “I’ll have Nate meet you over there with the key.”

Alex glanced at Xavier suspiciously. Why did he get the feeling Xavier was up to something?

Forty five minutes later, Alex was walking out of the main doors of XTX, toward the parking garage. He’d just spent half an hour with Samantha Kielty going over her update for the XTX project secretly labeled WTF by some of her project managers. She was well aware of what they said, and she’d started calling it the same thing, which made Alex laugh. Thankfully she didn’t need much of his time, and just like last week, she advised that she was on target from both a cost and a time perspective.

Not surprising.

Alex had taken a gamble last year hiring Sam on full time as his executive vice president in order to alleviate some of the tension provoked by a hot and heavy relationship that Sam and Logan found themselves in. Since that time, she’d married Logan, and the rumors had stopped, however, her innate ability to drive projects to completion hadn’t. Alex would be the first to admit, Sam was a force to be reckoned with, and though skeptical at first, both he and Dylan were excited about the skills she brought to CISS.

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