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Seduction (Club Destiny 3)

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Even though Stacey would have been in capable hands living with her great grandfather, Ashleigh found she couldn’t argue with Dylan even if she wanted to. Since Dylan’s wife passed away, her older brother had never been the same. Figuring a change might do them both some good, Ashleigh had encouraged him as much as he had encouraged her.

When a familiar tune blasted through the car, Ashleigh gave herself up to the music, singing slightly off key - ok, who was she kidding, there was no slight about it, it was severe. There was a reason Ashleigh didn’t make a living as a singer. The thought made her laugh and sing even louder.

A second later the song was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone, the sound coming through the speakers thanks to the Bluetooth connection in the car. Hitting the button on the steering wheel, she allowed the call to connect.

“Hey, Pops.” Ashleigh greeted her grandfather cheerfully, his name coming up on the small touch screen in the dash.

“I hope you aren’t driving while you talk to me.” Xavier Thomas’ laid back drawl drifted through the car, and Ashleigh smiled.

“You’re the one who said I needed to be home before dark.” She chided him as she flipped on the turn signal. “I’m just leaving, so it’ll take me close to an hour to get there.”

“Well, you be careful and call me if you need anything. What time did the moving truck head out?” Xavier asked.

“Not too long ago. I figure they might beat me by half an hour. They’re going straight to the house to unload.” Once Ashleigh had gotten a contract on her lake house, she wasted no time finding a house close to her grandfather’s. It was either that, or take the chance of Pops giving her a hard time about moving back to his house.

Since Stacey and her brother, Nate, would be living in the eight thousand square foot mansion, Ashleigh figured her grandfather would have plenty of company. Dylan had insisted on moving into the guest house, rather than into the main house, so Ashleigh had opted for something just a little farther out.

Not that she minded so much living with her grandfather and her niece and nephew, but living on her own for so long, Ashleigh had gotten used to the solitude. She thrived on it. And since her schedule was usually so out of whack, sometimes her days and nights entirely flip flopped, she wanted to have her own space.

“Nate and I will meet them over there. You just take your time and be careful.” Xavier drawled.

“Thanks, Pops. I’ll call you when I get closer. Maybe I can pick up something for dinner though we won’t have a place to eat at my house.”

“We’ll figure it out. See you in a little while, baby girl.” With that, the line disconnected.

Baby girl.

At twenty seven years old, Ashleigh figured she was too old for the nickname her grandfather had been calling her since she was just that. Not that she wanted him to stop, because secretly she had always reveled in being his baby girl. Since he had single handedly raised her and her brother after their parents’ tragic death, Ashleigh figured he could call her whatever he wanted.

Another reason she wasn’t too upset about moving back to Dallas. She needed her family. Since she and Dylan had been living in the past for far too long, Ashleigh knew he was right. It was time they move forward.

Insisting on going home in a better mood, she turned up the familiar song, once again singing loud and off key. There would be plenty of time later for her thoughts to intrude. For now, she just needed to relax.

Chapter Two

Alex McDermott was pacing the floor for the hundredth time, and based on the glare he was getting from Veronica, Xavier’s assistant was running out of patience. Alex could relate. He’d run out of patience first thing that morning when he woke up to the shrill ringing of his cell phone. Damn that Logan McCoy. For some reason, that man lived to irritate him.

Just because he had found a woman didn’t mean Alex deserved the other man’s constant harassment.

Ever since the night of the XTX Christmas party, Logan had been ribbing him every chance he got. Apparently Logan didn’t get the memo. The one that said back the fuck off.

Obviously Xavier Thomas didn’t get the memo either because he had summoned Alex about an hour ago. And now he was making him wait.

“He’ll see you now.” The irritation in Veronica’s sultry voice was evident, and Alex shot her a glare.

Pushing open the massive wooden door, Alex stepped inside, his eyes landing on Xavier sitting behind his lavish desk, a mischievous grin tipping the corners of his mouth.

“Thanks for stopping by on such short notice.” Xavier said, his severe Texas drawl coming out aloof and disinterested.

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