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Scandalous 2

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Chapter 38


When they get home, Abby seems much better. Jack told her that there would always be protesters, that there would always be people who disliked his work and everything he stood for. Abby understood, but she hadn't realized that it would be an ongoing thing. Every time Jack's name comes up, it sparks the whole thing to life and the cycle repeats itself, as it has for every show in the past. But now things are different. With Abby by his side, the words don't cut as deep.

A few weeks pass and as Jack paints, Abby seems to spark back to life. That piece of her that she'd been hiding is emerging again and Jack can't wait to see what happens. Abby will disappear for hours during the day, usually with Kate in tow. Jack has no idea what they are up to, and he doesn't want to ask. Fragile things like hope need room to grow.

One Monday morning, Abby comes to Jack and takes his hand, pulling him toward the car. "There's something that I want to show you."

Jack grins at her. "You mean the something that you and Kate have been working on? The something that I'm not supposed to know about?" His voice is light and teasing. He stops walking and takes her in his arms, smiling. The wind catches her hair and Jack tucks the fiery strands behind her ear. Abby deflates. Her eyes lower to the ground, to her shoes. It's like all the excitement washed away. Jack could kick himself for saying it. Quickly, he adds, "I have no idea what you're really doing, Mrs. Gray. I just like to pretend that I do." Lifting her chin, Abby eyes him, trying to tell if he's being honest with her.

After a moment, she laughs. "You have to stop doing that to me. I spent the last few weeks setting everything up. I wanted it to be a surprise."

Jack tickles her lightly, just to see her smile again before taking her hand and following her to the car. When he gets into the passenger seat, he sees a blindfold on the dashboard. He lifts it and asks her, "Are you planning something kinky?"

Abby's face flushes. She slaps his arm and starts the car. "Not this time. Now, put it on and stop messing with me. I'm really nervous about this. I'm afraid you won't like it."

Jack looks at his wife. She has hope in her eyes again. He can see it. No matter what this is, he knows it's important to her. "I'm sure I'll love it." He ties the blindfold and the car lurches forward. Jack's heart races a little bit as they drive. Abby is uncharacteristically quiet.

When the car stops, Abby comes around and takes his hands. She leads him from the car. Jack can feel gravel crunch under his feet and a cool breeze on his face. He can feel Abby's breath on his neck. She must be standing on her tippy toes behind him.

Abby's hands touch his shoulders gently. "I've been thinking about what to do next, Jack. The reason why I went to seminary in the first place was so that I could help people. I wanted to make a difference. I think I can make a difference here. I think that I can do something good. Just give it a second to sink in before you say anything." There's a slight tremor in her voice, like she's afraid of what he'll think.

When Abby's hands lift the blindfold from his eyes, Jack's jaw drops. They are standing in the middle of a busted up parking lot with the remains of a dilapidated warehouse. The metal building is a dingy yellow with a broken windows. A portico is hanging haphazardly over the front entrance. It looks like it's been abandoned for years. Weeds fill the parking lot, pushing their way through what's left of the pavement. The building is probably condemnable.

Jack doesn't understand. He can't see what Abby has envisioned here. Taking her by the hands, her pulls her around in front of him. She looks so cute when she's nervous. Abby sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and looks up at him with big green eyes. Jack says kindly, "You have to give me a little more information, beautiful. I have no idea what you see in this place. I just hope you don't want to live here."

Abby laughs and smiles hard. "No, I don't want to live here, but I do want it." She turns toward the building again and says, "It would be perfect. No one else wants it and it's in a bad location for just about everything - "

"Except for what you want to do?" Jack asks.

Abby nods. She twists her hands together and stares at the building while she speaks. "I want to do something to help the poor. I decided that the best way to inspire others is to practice what I preach. This building is perfect. There's still metal shelving inside. It's not too big, and not too small. And there's nothing else around. It's like a little oasis." She sighs looking at it.

Jack still can't see what she sees. He slips his hands around her waist and leans his chin on the back of her shoulder. "Tell me more. What would you do here?"

Staring straight ahead, Abby paints him a picture of her dreams. Abby smiles as she says it, her hands moving through the air as she points and explains. "It would be a place to get food, clothing, and blankets. In the fall, when schools start up, it's hard to come up with money for sneakers, backpacks, and jeans - you know, the kind of stuff we had. I'd want to stock those kinds of things, along with non-perishables, coats and blankets for winter. There are a lot of kids that go without. It would be a donation station specifically aimed at helping impoverished families with children, so they can get the things they need. I don't want to wait for someone else to do it anymore. I thought that if I expect people to do this kind of thing, that I should do it as well. There are so many kids that don't have the basic necessities to excel. I want to give them that - I want to give them the chance to succeed." She presses her lips together and looks at the shack like it's a mansion. Her vision is so clear, so full of heart. The way she stands there staring, makes his decision easy.

Jack says in her ear, "It sounds wonderful. Tell me more."

Abby takes a deep breath and goes into more detail about the warehouse and the daily activities of finding donors and families in need. She's thought everything out. The road isn't in a prime location, but she's already found a means to deliver the goods to the families. She has donors lined up to help her get started. When Jack hears her speak, he knows the part of her that was broken is mending. She's excited again - hopeful.

"This is what was missing," Jack says, but Abby doesn't understand. She turns and looks up into his face. Taking her hands, he smiles. "This is the one thing that I couldn't give you, the one thing that completes who you are as much as painting completes me. I've not seen you like this since we were kids, Abby. You have that sparkle in your eye again, that light that draws me in and makes me believe that one person can make a difference, because you make a difference. You started with me, and I know you'll do so much more." He glances past her at the hellhole in front of him. "When you look at this place, you're face lights up. It's like you can already see it. I want this for you. Tell me who we need to talk to, Abby, and it's done."

She grins the most beautiful lopsided smile he's ever seen. It's sweet and girlish, as her eyes sweep to the side. "You don't have to buy it, Jack. It's mine, if I want it. Kate talked the owner into donating it. He said it was a blight on his business and was really happy to get rid of it. I just wanted to see what you thought first. If I do this, it means that I won't be at the studio all day. It means I'd be working for free, here." Abby's eyes search his, as she holds her breath, waiting for his answer.

"There isn't a day that goes by that I am not completely amazed by you. You think with your heart, and you have such a brilliant mind, one that can see how to run this place perfectly. All I see is a broken building, but you see so much more. You do the same with people, too. Broken facades don't faze you at all." Abby is smiling harder and harder, but as Jack speaks, her gaze drops to the ground, like she can't bear his compliments. He lifts her chin. When she looks into his eyes, he says, "Yes, I would love to see you do this, but there's one condition."

"What is it?"

"I want to help you. I want to be a part of this. I want to learn to see things how you see them, Mrs. Gray." His hands are in her hair. Jack pulls her mouth to his and kisses her. When they separate, there are tears in her eyes.

Abby smiles widely and clasps her hands together excitedly. She squeals and takes his hands. "Really?"

"Truly," Jack says, pulling her close to his chest. He closes his eyes and holds her tightly. Life is made up of little moments like this one. These are the moments when the world stops and time stands still - a moment when one life connects to another.

When Abby pulls away, she has an expression on her face that he hasn't seen before. She presses her lips together tight and smiles at him. "There's one other surprise, Mr. Gray." She's beaming, but her lips part and words don't come out.

Jack's eyes don't leave hers. "What is it? Is there a circus bear inside?"

She shakes her head. "No," she laughs. "Come here and I'll show you."

Jack follows her wondering what could possibly make her smile like that. She pulls out keys and steps around the broken overhang. Jack follows her inside. There are no lights on, but he can see perfectly well through the broken windows. Shafts of light cut through the dark room. It's already been swept up and the tiled floor is clean. There, in the center of the vacant room, is a white bassinette. Ruffles of lace make a long skirt that hangs to the floor.

Jack stares at it, standing there all alone. His heart jumps into his throat. It feels like his ribs are going to be crushed by some unseen force. Jack turns to Abby with his pulse pounding and a shocked expression on his face. "We're having a baby?"

Chapter 39


I nod. Butterflies fill my stomach. I didn't know how to tell him or when. It was Kate's idea to push his pulse up into heart attack territory twice on the same day. I stupidly went along with it. For a moment, I think that he's going to be mad. We've barely had any time together. We're still newlyweds trying to figure out what we want our life together to look like.

I twist my hands together nervously watching Jack turn in slow motion. He's standing in a shaft of life that shines through the broken window. His hair has a golden halo, like he's an angel. Jack walks toward me, his eyes locked on mine. My heart hammers harder. Why hasn't he said anything? I expected a smile or a sigh, not this.

Jack stops in front of me. He takes my face between his palms and looks into my eyes. Every inch of his body is tense with emotion. I'm afraid to breathe. "Are you sure?" He stares at me, looking into my eyes like this can't be happening. I can't read his face. It's like his emotions are short-circuiting. The only thing I see are those intense sapphire eyes.

My pulse pounds harder. I nod and press my lips together. "Yes, without a doubt." I expect him to be upset from the way he acts, but the biggest smile I've ever seen lights up his face. It reaches his eyes in a flash and he laughs the most beautiful laugh that I've ever heard.

Jack holds my face and presses his forehead against mine. My heart soars. He picks me up and spins me around. I cling to him, as he spins me in his arms. When Jack puts me down again, he says, "That is so much better than a circus bear!" He takes my face again and kisses me hard.

I laugh while tears streak my cheeks. I've been such an exhausted, nervous wreck for the past few weeks. Now I know why. "You're happy?"

"God, yes! I'm ecstatic. I'm smiling so hard my face hurts. How long have you known?" He holds my hands and looks at me.

"I found out yesterday. Kate cleaned the floor for me. I didn't tell her why. Then, this morning, I had just enough time to put the bassinette in here and come and get you before you noticed." I look up at him from under my lashes. "But I guess you noticed that I kept disappearing, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I had no idea what you were doing."

I glance around the building and then back at Jack. "I should have rented a bear. That would have been awesome."

Jack laughs so hard his entire body shakes. Then he takes me in his arms again and kisses my lips excitedly. "I love you so much. I couldn't have asked for better news. My wife is pregnant and she owns the ugliest building that I've ever seen. It's a perfect beginning, Mrs. Gray."

Jack pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. A year ago, I had no idea what my future would hold. Now, today, I know that it has more love than I ever expected.

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