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Scandalous 2

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A couple of days later, I'm wearing an ugly lime green gauzy bridesmaid's dress with a huge bow on my head. Kate loved getting even for the gown I picked out for her. Jack walks down the sandy beach aisle with me on his arm. We smile at each other. Jack moves to stand by Gus, as his best man.

Kate appears, dressed in a slinky white gown. It's understated, and exactly what she wanted. She looks like a 1940's Hollywood starlet. I can't help but smile at her. Kate is beaming. She tries to walk slowly, but gives up about halfway down the aisle. She bounces on the balls of her feet and then runs to stand next to Gus.

They say their vows and kiss. Jack and I couldn't be happier for them. After the wedding, we go have dinner on the beach, just Jack and me. Somehow Jack arranged for it without me realizing what he'd done. We sit listening to the surf, watching the sparkling water.

"You know, Mr. Gray, I sort of remember something about a promise I made to you a while back. It had something to do with fulfilling a fantasy on a beach. Do you remember that?" I hold up my glass and take a sip.

Jack grins at me. "As a matter of fact, I do recall something about that." He smiles, thinking that I'm teasing him.

Night is falling. The conversation drifts and by the time we finish dessert, it's dark. I look at Jack across the table. After he takes care of the check, we take a walk along the beach, down by the water. When we're alone, I lean into him. Jack wraps his arms tightly around me. I stop. We're far enough away from the restaurant that no one should stumble upon us.

Turning to Jack, I look up into his eyes. "I want to do this with you. Make love to me, Jack." I lean forward and press my lips to his. Jack's body tenses when I say it, like he can't believe it.

Tension lines his body. "Abby, are you sure?" His voice is too high, like he's nervous.

I nod. "I want to be everything you need. I don't want to waste a second of my life wondering about anything anymore. I know you want this and I want to give it to you. I want to try it, Jack. Please."

His eyes darken, "Well, when you say it like that, how can I tell you no?"

The night air is warm and thick. I feel my clothes sticking to my skin, and suddenly my skirt feel too warm, my top too tight. I want them gone.

Jack reads me perfectly. He closes the space between us and kisses me on the lips lightly, his teeth nipping my lower lip. The contact is sudden and sharp. It makes my heart race faster. Neither of us speaks. Jack slips his hands under the hem of my shirt and rubs his thumbs along the waistband of my denim skirt. He watches me, taking in my expressions.

I lean forward and bite his lip, like he did to mine. Jack lets out a slow breath. He slides his hands under my shirt, drifting up to my waist, and feeling my soft curves. When Jack reaches my shoulders, he stops and his hands drift down my sides again. The touch makes my heart pound harder. Every thought in my head flutters away.

Jack steps closer, closing the tiny gap between us. His hands remain on the skin at my waist as he dips his head and I feel his teeth graze my neck. My knees nearly buckle at the unexpected bite. I thought he was going to kiss me.

I wonder if this is the original fantasy or if it changed over the years. My head falls to the side as Jack kisses my throat. He finds the place that makes me melt. Any rational thoughts I have left die in my brain. They fall like stones and lust bubbles up in their place.

I press my body against him, wanting him closer, but Jack steps back. Breathing hard he takes the bottom of my shirt in his hands and starts to lift it. He moves the fabric up so slowly, feeling my skin as he peels the shirt off of me. My breath catches in my throat. Jack's eyes are locked on mine. His beautiful lips part as he breathes and his desire darkens. With one smooth movement, the shirt is over my head and I'm standing on the beach in a skirt and bra.

Jack's eyes are hungry. He looks down at me with an expression on his face that makes me feel more animal than woman. It frightens and excites me at the same time. My pulse shoots up and roars in my ears. A shiver rakes over my skin as Jack's eyes pass over me. I realize that I'm holding my breath, waiting for him to touch me.

When Jack reaches for me, he takes me by the waistband, slips his hand down the front of my skirt, and pulls me toward him. I gasp when we slam together. His hands move under the denim, around the back and he feels the smooth skin under my panties.

Fear pinches me again and I feel its full force. I'm going to be naked, outside. I'm going to have Jack thrusting into me where anyone could see. Every inch of me is excited. My muscles flinch, like I'm ready to run.

Without saying a word, Jack pushes me back. His eyes fall on mine as his hands unbutton my skirt. I try to breathe steadily, but the way he watches me makes it hard. The button opens. Jack yanks my skirt, tugging it toward him. He falls to his knees in the sand. Jack's face is in front of the zipper. My heart hammers harder. I place my hands on his head and tangle my fingers in his hair. I breathe deeply and suck in the night air.

Jack slowly lowers the zipper. The entire time he does it, I wonder if we're going to get caught. When his hands reach up and pull down my skirt, I can barely breathe. Jack lowers the denim slowly, still kneeling in front of me. He leans in when my panties are revealed and presses his face to them, inhaling deeply. I suck in a breath and clutch his hair harder.

I don't know what he's going to do and it's driving me to the edge. Every time Jack touches me, sparks shoot through my body. Warmth spreads through me in a way that can't be stopped. It doesn't matter how much I fear it  -  I want it. I want him to strip me. I want his face between my legs. I gasp as he pulls away and removes my skirt completely, tossing it aside.

Jack's hands slip up my bare legs, moving slowly across my skin and up to my little black panties. His thumbs hook under the sides. My heart jerks inside me as he pulls them down. Throwing my head back, I gasp and stare up at the stars. My hands fall to my sides. I ball my fingers up and then stretch them as far as they'll go. I fight every urge within me, letting him strip me. The wind blows between my legs and I can feel how much Jack has turned me on. When I breathe in, my nipples press against my bra. I want his hands on me. I want Jack inside me. I flex my hands again as I feel the panties pass slowly over my hips, and then my knees, and finally they fall around my ankles. Jack takes them from me and tosses them out of sight. There's no going back.

Legs parted, I stand in front of Jack, wearing nothing but a bra. I'm too afraid to speak. My heart pounds within me, and it's all I can do to hold still. I want his mouth on me. I want him to do things to me, here and now. The urge strikes me so hard that it's all I can do to control it. Jack tempts me so much. I'm within a hair of sanity when he leans forward and I feel his breath wash over me. Every urge I have says to grab him, but I don't. I want him to experience this the way he dreamed it would be.

Jack leans in close, pressing his face to the spot between my legs. I moan as I feel his nose against my skin. He inhales deeply, allowing my scent to fill his head. Then he stands and looks at me. Jack's dark eyes travel up my body, lingering on every dip and curve, until his gaze rests on my bra. Stepping toward me with those intense dark eyes, he says, "Beg me."

I'm barely breathing. Anticipation is building inside me, overpowering the fear of being discovered. Looking into his eyes, I answer with the words he wants to hear, "Strip me, Jack. Please..." I lift a hand, meaning to touch his chest, but Jack doesn't let me.

Instead he steps behind me. He slips his hands around my bare waist and pulls me flush against him. I feel him press in my back. Oh God, he's so hard. Jack rubs against me through his clothes. My head falls to the side as I let out a rush of air. The falling feeling inside me expands and I feel like I'm going to be swallowed whole. The sensations wisping through me make me want him so badly.

I try to turn toward him, but Jack locks his arm and holds me tight. His other hand drifts over my stomach and down farther and farther until he touches that spot between my legs. He strokes me once, then again. The desire grows with every second he touches me. Jack's breath washes over my neck. The warm breeze moves between my legs. The sensation drives me wild. I'm losing my mind. I don't care where I am or what I'm doing. I want him. I want to writhe against him, but Jack doesn't release me. "Jack," I beg, saying his name.

He presses his lips to my neck and finds the spot. He kisses my skin slowly as his fingers work their magic between my legs. When my knees start to buckle, he stops. His hands release me. I gasp, wanting him back. I nearly turn around, but I feel his hands cup my breasts before sliding slowly around to my back.

"Oh Jack, please." I'm begging him to strip me, and I mean it. I know he hears it in my voice.

The bra is peeled off of my skin and tossed onto the sand. Breathing hard, I expect him to hold me, but he doesn't. Jack steps away and walks in front of me. His eyes drink me in, like he can't believe this is happening. Jack steps toward me once he's looked so long that I can't stand it for another second. I shiver as he leans in slowly and presses his lips to mine. My hands reach up and tangle in his hair as Jack's hands slide over my naked body. He presses tightly against me, letting me feel his hard, lean body through his clothes.

I slip my hands under his shirt. I don't know if he wants me to, but I do it anyway. Jack lets me take his shirt off of him. He stands before me in jeans with a beautiful bare chest. I press myself against him and look up into his eyes. Jack smiles down at me. When I reach between us for his pants, his hands grab my wrists, stopping me.

"No, Abby. Not yet." Disappointment flashes across my face. I want him so badly. I can't believe he's telling me no, making me wait. Jack falls to his knees and says, "Come here."

My heart hammers inside of me. I take a shaky step toward him and then another. "Closer," he commands. I take the final step so that his face is at the V of my legs. Jack leans in I feel his tongue slide along the seam of my lower lips. I gasp, not expecting it. Jack slips his tongue along the seam and licks hard. I feel him brush against me, licking from top to bottom.

The response is instant. I want more. My ankles move apart and Jack dips his head between my legs. Looking up, he pushes his tongue in and licks me hard. Suddenly, I can't breathe. My entire body is heat and there are flames in every place that Jack touches me.

When my knees buckle, Jack takes the opportunity and kisses me harder. I can barely stand. I feel my knees weaken, but I don't want him to stop. My eyes are half closed, but when they flick open and I see where I am, my heart races harder. This is wrong. Sex is private and Jack is making love to me very publicly.

The thoughts fade when Jack's tongue pushes inside me, deeper and deeper. When my knees give way, Jack catches me. He lowers me to the sand. I gaze into his eyes and see a look of pure satisfaction. Jack smiles wickedly at me and grabs my ankles, pulling them over my head. Then his face disappears. He works his magic between my legs, nibbling, sucking, and kissing me. I rock my hips against his face, needing to find some release, but Jack only teases me more.

Every inch of my body is on fire. I grasp at the sand, frustrated at his tongue's teasing pace. When I see Jack's face again, he's beaming. He knows exactly what he's done to me. Jack strips quickly and before I can beg him for anything, he's kneeling over my face, pressing his beautiful length to my lips. "Suck me, Abby."

My body tingles at his words. I open my mouth and take him in. Jack sighs as he pushes deeper into my mouth. I want to swallow him whole. My legs fall apart as my hips move against nothing. I love Jack so much. I love making love to him. There's nothing that could stop me now. I don't care where the sand is or who's watching. I can't stop. I need him like I need air.

Jack's warm shaft slides into my mouth over and over again, each time pushing farther. He's straddling my face. I reach for him and dig in my nails into his hips, pushing him farther into my mouth. I suck in a sharp breath and take him all the way in. My mouth closes around his base. Jack sighs, blissfully, and holds it there for a moment as my tongue works over the rest of him. Jack pulls out slowly, and when he looks at me, there's a huge smile on his face.

"You are so incredibly good at that."

Licking my lips, I say, "I want more." Jack beams at me, but shakes his head.

His hand dips between my legs as he talks to me. His rich voice is complimenting me, telling me how sexy and beautiful I am, but I can't focus. The tight coil inside of me is on fire. I try so hard not to lose it as Jack's hand touches me in just the right way. Pressing my eyes closed tight, I look away from his face. I clench, withholding the orgasm that wants to shoot through me.

Jack watches me, and dips his head to my breast. His warm breath flows over my skin, nearly undoing me. Jack's smiling now. "Come for me, baby."

I shake my head. I want to come with him, but Jack has other plans. His lips find my nipple. My body rebels and I feel the slow throbbing building within me. Jack's hand rocks with my hips and he slips another finger into me. I thrust harder against him, which makes his kisses grow more demanding. He takes my sensitive breast between his teeth and gently tugs the taut skin. My body responds and I cry out, slamming my hips into his hand. Jack thrusts his hand into me over and over again, until my movements slow, until the throbbing ebbs. I open my eyes and look up at him. I still feel his fingers inside me.

"Hello, lover," Jack says, his voice deep and sexy.

I smile at him. "I didn't mean to - "

"Shhh, I wanted it this way." Jack moves his hand slowly, and starts rocking into me gently. Everything feels so sensitive. His fingers move gently inside me, pressing into me deeper and deeper. Jack's eyes watch mine as he does it. I wonder what he sees. I wonder if he knows how much I love him, how much I want him.

His head dips to my breast again and Jack works me into another frenzy. I can't believe how quickly he does it. I'm straining, pressing my hips against his hand and my breast against his mouth, but it doesn't satisfy me this time. Instead, the need grows deeper and more carnal.

I can only focus on one thing. I reach for Jack and feel how hard he is in my hand. Jack moans as I slide my hand over his hard length, holding him tightly. His lips lift from my breast, freeing it. The warm breeze feels good against my skin. Jack watches me holding onto him. I move my hand over him, feeling how hard he is, wanting him inside of me.

Jack sees the darkness in my eyes and leans back. A smile forms on his mouth. Jack lays back in the sand and props himself up on one elbow to watch.

Heart pounding hard, I crawl toward him and take him into my mouth. I can't resist. I take him in once, twice, and on the third time, I slip my mouth down his entire shaft. Jack's eyes close when I do it, but he quickly forces them open. He watches me as I hold him there, sucking his length.

The moment arouses me so much. I feel the place between my legs throb, and I know I want him there. I pull away and move to climb onto him, but Jack stops me. He stands and leads me to the water. His blue eyes are filled with lust as he pulls me in with him. The water washes away the sand stuck to our legs as we go in deeper and deeper.

Jack stops when the water is up to my chest. He lifts me onto his hips. I wrap my legs around his back as he pushes into me. I gasp and lock my ankles around him. Jack holds me up, cupping my ass, gripping me hard. I tilt my hips to take him all the way in. He feels perfect. I'm so lost in the moment, so one with him that I lose myself. Jack moves with me, like we're one. I no longer know where I end and Jack begins. We move together...

I lean my head back and stare up at the sky. I watch the stars flash as Jack pushes into me over and over again. When I can't stand it anymore, I lock my legs around him as tightly as possible. Jack knows what I want and he gives it to me. Thrusting as hard and fast as he can, Jack pumps into me. His body slams against mine, making me divinely hot. Every inch of me tingles.

I release his shoulders and lay back on the ocean watching my breasts bounce as Jack thrusts over and over again. I come fast and hard, squeezing my breasts as I do it. Jack slams into me harder and harder as the pulsing begins. There's no stopping him. This is his fantasy and I'm sharing it with him. He slams into me until he can't hold back. Jack holds my hips hard, stilling my wiggling hips against him as he finds his release. I close my eyes, savoring the sensation, savoring Jack.

Breathlessly, I sit back up out of the water. Putting my hands on his shoulders, I ask, "Was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"All that and more. What did you think?" My face grows hot. I don't know how, but Jack notices. "Are you blushing?" He tickles me gently and I nod.

"I liked it, Jack, a lot." He holds me in his arms and kisses me hard.

The moment is burned into my memory in vivid detail and I loved every second of it.

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