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Page 29

"Are you saying that Jennifer is there? He really took her with him, that's a first. I bet that will cramp his style."

"What do you mean cramp his style?"

"Oh that's right you're the new guy aren't you. Most everyone in the office knows about his mistresses. He's always pulling these overnight or two day trips that are in reality a cover for him being with one of these ladies, I would bet he's never had a real overnight business trip. I think the only person that doesn't know is his fiancé. He's continually buying these ladies expensive gifts too. Gladys, Michael's previous secretary before Marie told someone about it. He's been unfaithful to Jennifer since they first met."

"You're wrong it hasn't cramped his style with her here. He told her he was out of town tonight and wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning. On the way back to the hotel we stepped into a Jazz club and when I went to use the restroom, I saw Michael and Vittoria, oh, she's the daughter of the company's President, they were making out at their table, and both seemed very drunk."

"That's sad, I remember meeting Jennifer for the first time at last year's Christmas party and she seemed very sweet and nice. I don't know what she sees in Michael, she deserves someone nicer than that womanizing sleaze ball. Sorry for her when she finds out, that will be a tough one. As I remember she told me they had been engaged for five or was it six years now. What's the old saying, why buy the milk when you own the cow. He probably uses her as his day to day partner and has his flings to fill in all the other gaps. Poor girl, I really feel sorry for her."

"Ron, I can't believe he could treat her that way."

"John, let me provide a reality check for you. Since your bank account is very low after your own business crashed and burned you need this job very much. Do not get involved with this girl or her relationship with your boss because it has disaster for you written all over it. Also, remember you were hired on primarily to fix the bug in the CASTER unit. Well, you've just taken away your job security. Why does he need you now? It's that cow and milk thing again. Any of his other team could carry on from here. The last thing you need is to raise his ire at you. Don't get involved in their relationship problems they're not your concern. Do your job, take the money, okay?'

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