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Rock My Bed

Page 58

I snuggle into his side. “I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been practically starving since you’ve been gone.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I know the feeling. I’ve been sexually frustrated since I saw you last.”

I smack his arm playfully. “I meant food, but I’ve been a little hungry in that department too.”

Zach threads his fingers into my hair and tilts my head up until we’re practically nose to nose. “I think I can fix that on both accounts.”

The firmness of his lips against mine is just as I remember. They’re assured and know exactly what they want and I find an odd comfort in that. My fingers wrap around the nape of his neck as I hold him against me.

Our kisses deepen and Zach scoops me into his arms and carries me off into the bedroom where I’m sure one of my hungers is about to be thoroughly satisfied.


After being locked away in my apartment for nearly twenty-four hours, we decide it’s time to come up for air. The bar a couple blocks away from apartment hosts a variety of patrons. There are the uptight suits along with the everyday working class heroes.

Zach leads me inside the dimly lit establishment by the hand. A long bar fills most of the space and is the focal point of the room. People mill about with their drinks chatting amongst one another as we pass by.

A couple women stare at Zach a little too long for my liking as we pass by them. I squeeze his hand a little tighter as he stays oblivious to their attentions. Deep down I know I need to get used to the idea of women lusting after my man. He is a famous rock star, after all, but it’s so easy to forget that when we spend most of our time alone in my tiny apartment.

Zach walks up to the counter and orders us a couple beers while I take in our surroundings. The women that were checking Zach out earlier saunter over to us with their eyes focused on him. I might as well be invisible.

The leggy brunette taps him on the shoulder. “You’re Riff, right?”

He gazes down at the two women and then turns his attention back to the bar. “Yeah, I am.”

The short blonde nudges her friend to speak again. “Can we get your autograph?”

“Sure,” he says without looking at them. “Do you have a pen?”

The blonde shakes her head. “Not on us. We were hoping you’d take us to your room so we can show you a little double fan appreciation.”

“Ew,” I say out loud and the girls whip their heads in my direction and nearly shoot daggers at me with their eyes.

Zach turns and rolls his eyes. “I don’t think so.”

The dark-haired girl whines, “What a letdown. I thought you slept with your fans. You’re famous for handing out fuck tickets.”

“Things change. I won’t be doing that shit anymore.” He glances at me and smiles. “I’m a one woman man kind of guy now.”

“Ugh. Come on, Trixie. We’ll find another rich playmate for the night,” Blondie says to her friend before linking their arms and sauntering off in their epically short skirts.

Zach hands me my beer. “Sorry about that. Sleeping around is kind of my trademark.”

I sigh. “I know. It’s why I originally agreed to our first night together, remember.”

He nods. “Ah, that’s right. I was supposed to be your last hoorah before you were going to settle down with someone like that fuck-stick of a boss of yours.”

I cringe as he correlates the idea of Isaac and me together. “You’re right about him, you know.”

He takes a sip of his drink. “What do you mean?”

“About Isaac…he did…does want something more with me,” I admit. “He’s told me so.”

“I told you. My fuck radar is never wrong. I could tell he wanted in your panties the minute he approached our table at the pizza place. He was practically drooling over you.”

I shrug. “Don’t worry. I told him we’re together.”

Zach furrows his brow. “He made another pass at you after I told him you were mine?”

I nod. “He basically told me he’d be waiting for when we didn’t work out and that he wouldn’t hold dating you against me.”

Zach’s jaw muscle works under his skin. “I’m going to kill that motherfucker.”

I place my hand on his chest. “Forget him. He’s not worth getting angry about. Isaac and I will never happen.”

“What if I fuck things up? I can’t shake the feeling that deep down I don’t deserve you and I’m going to fuck us up somehow.”

I shake my head and cup his cheek, forcing him to look at me. “I know you won’t.”

“You don’t know that.” He stares into my eyes, searching for some kind of answer.

My pulse pounds in my ears as I’m about to take a huge chance. “I do because I love you and I think you love me, too.”

Zach closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. I wait anxiously on him to respond—to admit he feels the same way. Instead, he grabs my hand and leads us out of the bar back towards the apartment, never answering. My heart completely sinks and I get the distinct feeling I’ve pushed him away.

Chapter 20


I lay awake and watch Kitten sleep. When she told me she loves me back at the bar I froze up. The logical thing would’ve been for me to admit that I think I feel that way, too, but instead I panicked and brought her back here where I could have sex and clear my head a little bit.

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