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Rock My Bed

Page 57

“Okay. Love you,” I tell her.

“Love you, too.” She ends the call and I throw the phone back in my purse.

Isaac pokes his head out of his office. “Hey, Aubrey. You got a second before we head out for the weekend?”

I nod and pick up my paper and pen. “Sure.”

I walk into Isaac’s office and he’s already back at his desk. “Close the door, would you?” He gestures for me to take a seat across from him after we’re shut inside together. I pick up my pen ready to take notes. “You won’t need that.”

I tilt my head as my confusion shows through my body language. “Okay?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you how you and Riff are doing?”

I stiffen. Oh shit. Are we seriously going to do this? “We’re good. Thanks.”

He taps his chin. “How long have you been seeing him?”

I bite my lip. “A few weeks.”

He nods like it answers some unspoken question of his. “We’re you seeing him when we went out for drinks?”

I shake my head. “No. Not at that point.”

“Things seem serious between the two of you. Are they?”

“They’re definitely moving in that direction, I think.”

He leans in on the desk. “You know, Aubrey. Men like Riff usually don’t hang around long term. I would hate for you to get hurt.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I think I’m capable of managing my own love life. If that’s all…”

I turn to walk out of the door, but his voice stops me. “Aubrey, I won’t hold this against you once things end with him. I would still very much like that date with you.”

I don’t reply to that. How can I? He basically said my worst fear out loud—that Zach would break my heart like all the others before him. I pray that he’s wrong and our connection is strong enough to make a real go out of this relationship.

Chapter 19


We roll on towards the next city on our tour as Noel carries luggage from the back bedroom to the front of the bus and drops it near the steps. Tyke and I sit at the table eating breakfast, while Trip stands at the island finishing a bowl of cereal.

I eyeball the bag before turning my gaze on him. “What the fuck is that?”

He shrugs apologetically. “I have to go, man.”

“Go where?” Trip asks wiping milk from his lip after slurping down what’s left in his bowl.

“He’s going to Texas to be with Lane,” I answer, knowing that because that’s exactly what I would do if I were him.

“What about the rest of our shows?” Tyke asks with a frown on his face.

“We’ll have to cancel or postpone them, I suppose.” We all stare at Noel like he’s lost his fucking mind. “Guys I’m sorry, but she needs me for a week or so. Her mom broke her leg, and she’s sick. I have to go.”

I flex my jaw muscle. As much as I want to be with Kitten, I would never screw people that depend on us. “Fine. If you want to disappoint all the fans because you’re being selfish—”

“Selfish? This is the first time in my life I’m thinking of others.” Noel meets each one of our stares individually. “I love her, guys. I have to be there when she needs me. I would really appreciate a little understanding on this.”

After a couple tense moments of silence, I rub my chin. “I guess pushing back the dates a couple weeks wouldn’t kill anybody.” Trip and Tyke nodded in agreement. “I’ll work on having them change the dates. It won’t be easy, and will be a total pain in my ass, but I’ll do it. Go take care of things.”

A grin creeps up on Noel’s face. “Thanks guys, I’ll owe you one.”

Secretly I know I’m the one who should be thanking him because he granted me the freedom to head off and see my girl.


The intercom by my apartment door buzzes as I sit down to watch a movie. I get up and press the button to answer.

“Good evening, Miss Jenson. Zach Oliver is here to see you,” Barney, my doorman, says.

My heart races in my chest. Zach is here? He didn’t even call to tell me. To say I’m shocked is an understatement. “Send him up.”

I dash over to a mirror to fluff my hair up a bit and reapply some lip-gloss. I finish the last minute makeup touches as Zach knocks on the door. I fly over and yank it open.

A wide grin covers his face the moment he sees me. He looks amazing in his red t-shirt, faded jeans and boots. I practically leap at him and throw my arms around his neck.

Strong arms wrap around my waist as he lifts me into the air. “God. I’ve missed you.”

The scent of him is amazing. It’s like some sort of spicy soap. “I can’t believe you’re here! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

My toes touch the ground as he sets me down. “I wanted to surprise you.”

I press my lips to his. “Well you succeeded. I’ve never been more surprised in my life.”

He laughs. “Then my mission is complete.”

I grab him by the hand after he lets me go and reaches down for his bag. “How did you manage this?”

We sit down on the couch with me practically on his lap. “Lanie’s been sick the last couple days and is having a hard time helping her mom after surgery. We cancelled some tour dates so Noel could fly to be with her, and I’m taking full advantage of my time off.”

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