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My Brother's Keeper

Page 29

Rheia pointed to the screen. "What are those?"

Anne looked up and smiled. "Those are takoyaki. They are round, made from a flour-based batter filled with minced octopus, pickled ginger, green onions and sometimes tempura scraps. The takoyaki dressing is to die for; it's like a mix between Worcestershire sauce and mayo. I haven't had any since moving back to Madison."

"Ryuu!" The women yelled at the same time Meryn paused the anime.

A moment later, Ryuu appeared in the doorway. "Denka? Is everything okay?"

Meryn turned around on her knees to peer over the back of the sofa. "Can you make those?" She pointed behind her at the screen.

Ryuu looked up and a look of pleasant surprise crossed his face. "Of course."

"Oh, and ramen?" Rheia asked licking her lips.

"I would love to try the yakisoba." Amelia rubbed her stomach.

Ryuu's mouth twitched in a smile. "How about I plan a night where you can try multiple dishes from my homeland?"

Meryn threw her fist in the air. "Yes!"

Ryuu bowed. "I have a friend back home I can contact. He should be able to send the necessary supplies via a fae trade portal. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I will bring in mid-morning tea in just a moment." He closed the door behind him.

Amelia stared at the closed door for a second. "You know, I bet he gets homesick. Maybe we should have Japanese food once a week."

Meryn turned and sat back down. "That's a great idea. I want to try those octopus balls."

Anne and Amelia cringed. "Takoyaki." They both corrected Meryn at the same time.

Meryn shrugged and smiled at her phone. "This is great, I'm getting so many friend requests." She paused and looked at them. "Do octopi have balls?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "Oh, Meryn."

Meryn grinned evilly and turned back to her phone.

Everyone's attention turned back to the anime. After a few minutes, Elizabeth's phone began to ring. She took it out of her pocket, looked down, and frowned. "Uncle? Hello, Uncle. What! No! No. Never mind. Stop laughing! Goodbye!" Elizabeth wheeled on Meryn. "Why did you put that you and I were in a relationship on Facebook? All of Noctem Falls is buzzing that I am in a lesbian relationship with the Unit Commander's mate!"

Meryn looked puzzled. "We are in a relationship, you're my sister."

Elizabeth simply fell over onto her side and buried her face in the pillows. Rheia, Jaxon, and Noah had their hands over their mouths trying not to laugh. Amelia was at Elizabeth's side rubbing her back. "There, there. It can't be that bad."

Elizabeth sat back up. "Take it down now."

Meryn shook her head. "I think it's too late. I have eight hundred and seven comments and three thousand shares."

"Give me that!" Elizabeth snatched Meryn's phone and began to scroll. Her face went pale for a moment and she looked up. "You cannot refer to your shifter friends as your 'furries'!"

"Man down! Man down!" Jaxon laughed, pointing at Rheia who was wheezing on the floor. Noah was beet-red and having trouble drawing breath.

Amelia swallowed hard and looked like she was fighting not to smile. "She did what?"

Meryn went to get her phone back, but Beth stood and held it over her head. Meryn put her hands on her hips. "Why is that wrong?"

Anne cleared her throat. "Meryn the term 'furry' refers to a subculture that is interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities. It's also a type of sexual fetish where people take the interest into the bedroom."

Meryn blinked. "So, technically, I'm still right."

"I give up! I'm deleting your account." Elizabeth tapped on Meryn's phone.

Meryn shrugged. "I can always post on Aiden's account."

Amelia sighed. "I always wanted to be a shifter. Becoming an animal must be liberating."

Defeated, Elizabeth paused and handed the phone back to Meryn. "It gets old after a while." She sat down, looking a bit shell-shocked. "Let's resume our anime watching. I don't feel like adulting anymore, either; the rest of the paranormal world can just get along without me today."

"Sounds like I brought tea just in time," Ryuu said as he pushed his serving cart into the room.

Noah paused the anime and turned to them, his eyes bright. "I didn't know they had anime where two boys fall in love."

Elizabeth perked up. "It doesn't hurt that they are so pretty."

Noah blushed and turned to Anne. "Can you recommend some more?"

Anne nodded eagerly. "Of course."

Noah sighed, a dreamy look on his face. "Too bad you don't see that sort of thing in real life."

Jaxon bumped shoulders with his friend. "What about Sydney and Justice?"

Noah thought about it for a moment. "They are the exception."

Meryn looked up at her squire, a mischievous look on her face. "What about Kendrick and Ryuu?"

Rheia spit out the tea she had just sipped. Amelia offered her a towel and looked at Meryn. "You can't keep doing this to Rheia," she said sternly.

Meryn looked over at her friend. "Sorry, Rheia." Instantly, her attention was back to her squire. "So?"

Ryuu didn't bat an eye. He continued to pour their tea. "A man or woman would be very lucky indeed to find themselves with Heika."

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