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My Brother's Keeper

Page 28

Aiden frowned. "I don't like where this is going."

Kendrick looked at the men. "Over the centuries, I've seen many different types of magic, but I've never seen anything like this perimeter. No one in the city is stepping forward to lay claim to it, and if any of the warriors had done it, they would have told you right away. So, if no one in the city cast the spell, who did?"

Colton swallowed, looking ill. "The enemy."

Kendrick nodded. "What if the perimeter is keeping the ferals out because when the perimeter goes down it will shrink into the center of the city, stripping people's souls as the magic collapses? If ferals are in the city when that happens, their precious necklaces could be destroyed."

Aiden thumped his fingers on the table. "Do you have any proof?"

Kendrick shook his head. "No, but I thought it would be irresponsible if I didn't put the theory forward. You're included in more high-level meetings than I am. If you hear something that may explain a portion of my theory, at least you could make the connection."

Aiden stood and stretched his arms up over his head. "I'll keep an ear out. In the meantime, we have drills, gentlemen."

Kendrick stood beside her. "I may join you."

Aiden looked pleased. "I thought you didn't do drills."

"I don't, but I need to speak to a few of your men."

Aiden laughed. "I'll get you on the course eventually."

Amelia shook her head vehemently. "You really don't want that, Aiden."

Aiden's brows snapped together. "Why?"

Amelia squirmed in her chair. "Do you remember that time Caiden had to request that the council approve renovations to the Storm Keep obstacle course?"

Aiden nodded. "He said that the men had gotten used to the..." he looked over at Kendrick.

Kendrick smirked back at the commander.

Aiden turned toward the door. "Never mind. Come on men." He leaned down, kissed Meryn on the top of her head, and walked toward the door.

Anne watched as the other men around the table said goodbye to their mates. Kendrick stood and looked down at her. "When you check on Keelan, stay away from the table. If you see anything glowing bright red, evacuate the house and come get me."

"I heard that!" Aiden yelled from the foyer.

Kendrick winked at her then turned to Meryn. "Tell your little friend that he has access to Keelan's room. The warding doesn't apply to sprites."

Meryn reached up and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks Kendrick. Felix has been spending a lot of time with Keelan."

Anne looked at Meryn but didn't see anything. "Sprite?"

One second there was nothing, the next, a tiny fairy sat on Meryn's shoulder, fluttering his wings. He waved and she waved back. When she blinked, he was gone again.

She turned to Kendrick. He leaned down, and their eyes met. She was surprised at their intensity. She thought he was about to kiss her, but at the last moment, he moved his head so that he whispered in her ear, "Thank you for sticking up for me. No one has done such a thing in a very long time. I'll give you a treat later. Have fun with the girls." He ruffled her hair and walked out behind Darian.

Once the men were gone, the room was silent. Meryn gulped down the last of her orange juice. "So, I don't feel like adulting today. Let's watch anime and eat snacks."

Rheia, Elizabeth, and Amelia looked at each other and grinned.

Amelia nodded. "That sounds like a great idea." She turned and looked at Anne. "In this you'll be our Yoda."

Anne frowned. "He was the green one right?"

Across the table, Meryn began making sounds as if she was having an epileptic fit.

Amelia wrapped an arm around her. "Ignore her. Beth usually handles Meryn when she's like this. Let's hit the kitchen and get some post-breakfast snack foods."

Anne looked over her shoulder to cast a worried glance at Meryn. She figured if Rheia wasn't concerned, she wouldn't be either. Maybe she was getting used to the dynamics of this house.


"Why am I here again?" the dark haired young man asked. After checking on Keelan, Anne was formally introduced to Jaxon and Noah when the women invaded command central to take over the sixty-five inch television.

"Because I'd miss you if you weren't here," Meryn answered.

"You do realize this isn't in English right?" Jaxon asked.

"Yup, now hush. I think Tezuka is about to confess to Yuri." Meryn threw popcorn at Jaxon who laughed.

Noah sat on the couch with his legs drawn up, a look of enthrallment on his face. He had been immediately sucked into the story line and had teared up a time or two already at Yuri's plight. Anne had to admit, Noah had to be the prettiest boy she had ever met. If he was drawn to be in an anime, he would be a bishōnen, or beautiful boy.

Anne had already watched nearly half of this season with Kendrick so her attention was solely on the tiny sprite who had made himself visible after some coaxing from Meryn. He now sat on Anne's shoulder, watching the anime along with them. Anne thought Felix was absolutely adorable. When he saw that her hands were shaking as she went to hold him, he smiled up at her shyly, and she was lost.

Meryn laughed and kept tapping away on her phone. Anne had no clue how Meryn was keeping up with the subtitles while on her phone, but every comment she made about the story had been right, so she must be paying more attention than Anne realized.

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