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Loving Lawson

Page 9

I stepped out when I was done and tip toed a few feet before she loudly declared, “Okay, big boy, your turn. Get down.”

I stopped for a few moments, waiting for her moans to help drown out the creaks on the worn out hardwood floor. Only she’d stopped entirely. I took a few steps forward, and when the panels beneath my feet groaned again, I froze. To my dismay, I was stuck and directly standing by the opened door where the soft, dim glow of a light from inside gave me a visual on everything.

I looked away before I could see anything. This was private. This was wrong. Yet the girl wasn’t making any loud noises anymore, and if I moved… well, shit, they’d hear the creak from right outside their room, and what might they think if they saw me?

Peeping Allie.


My life would be over. You couldn’t live past that kind of humiliation.

I heard more movements, of bodies shifting, and then the sound of heavy breaths. Ones that weren’t coming from the throat of a female. They were harsh and laboured, mixed with a low grunt.


My cheeks flushed, and of their own volition my eyes shot up and glimpsed into the room. I couldn’t see much of the squealer, but I could see Heath, plain as day, naked and standing in the middle of the room. Christ, the guy was ripped… and sweaty. Even with the dim lighting, I could see the thick veins protruding from his neck and arms. He was peering down at her, transfixed, his hands gripping tight her hair, causing those biceps to bulge incredibly. I scanned his body from head to toe, lingering on his abs and down his happy trail where I saw her head bobbing back and forth.

I gulped and looked away again. I was sweaty all over. My body was trembling. Why wasn’t I moving? It was probably so loud in there with their breaths, they wouldn’t hear me.

Yet I was rooted in place, and all I wanted to do was stare at him again. This was messed up.

My eyes leaped back to the scene, and this time his head was facing the ceiling and his mouth was half opened. There was something so unbelievably taboo seeing a person at the crest of pleasure. They were like cracks in armour. You were seeing a vulnerable side. However even then, Heath was absolutely primal. He looked back down at her, and he wasn’t looking at a person per say, but at a toy he was using. There was nothing but lust in his eyes.

He eventually shoved her away and forced her to her feet. I finally saw her. Saw the lithe body that belonged in magazines. God, she was beautiful. He forced her against his dresser and bent her down before driving himself into her.

Her moans started up again as he absolutely ravaged her. Pulling her hair. Gripping her hips so tight I was sure they’d bruise. It was so impersonal. I think I’ve seen porn with more emotion than this.

When the trembling in my body caused my teeth to chatter, I looked away and hurriedly took off down the hall. My legs felt tingly and weak by the time I jumped into bed and threw the covers over top of me. I shook like mad, the guilt of my eavesdropping tearing holes in my chest.

I’d never done something like that!

I didn’t even turn away when I could have!

What was wrong with me?!

I felt sick, knowing those images were forever burned in me, and hating so much how turned on I felt at seeing the pleasure on Heath’s face.

I shut my eyes and tried to sleep. It took a very long while, but I managed to around the time their session number who knew finally ended. I had a fitful sleep, tossing and turning and waking up in the early hours of the morning with sweaty hair and my heart thumping erratically in my chest. Not even Ryker’s scent helped calm me down.

As I eventually got out of bed, I immediately spotted something white on the floor beside the door. When I rubbed my eyes and took a closer look, I realized it was a folded up piece of paper. My body tightened as a bad feeling came over. I slowly bent over and picked it up. It took me a few moments to finally summon the courage to open it. When I did, my mouth went dry and my heart stilled as I read the words written in bubbly, feminine letters.

i hope you enjoyed the show <3

he’s mine


“By my calculation, Miss Wallace, you’re nine weeks along,” said Dr Evans. “Your due date is February 8.”

I nodded at her, ignoring her frown and the judgmental way she was looking at me. I wasn’t sure why she was reserving all the negative attention on me when the entire waiting room was filled with girls equally young and further along in pregnancy than me.

“I’ve scheduled your ultrasound at your twelfth week of pregnancy. I’ll give you the address and date, it’s up to you to get there on time. We don’t like late comers. Try not to miss the appointment. Once you get that done, come and see me. Your next ultrasound after that will be at twenty weeks. It’s important we know if the baby is progressing healthily.”

She rambled on after that, talking about glucose tests and how I’d be seeing a nurse more and more the closer I got to my due date. Then it was what to eat, the kind of pills that would benefit the baby, and so on. My head was spinning with information by the time she was done.

“Any questions?” she then asked with very little enthusiasm. I was just a number to her. A face she’d forget the second I walked out.

I shook my head. She gave me my ultrasound date and sent me out the door. I left the clinic and waited outside in the blistering summer heat for Heath to come and pick me up. When he finally came bounding down the street, I checked the time and noted he was actually early. I jumped into the truck just as he reached over and turned the volume down.

“I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” he said, eyeing my glistening arms.

I shook my head. “No. Five minutes, maybe.”

“Couldn’t wait inside? Must not be good being out in the sun when you’re pregnant, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Give me a call next time and I’ll get to you sooner.”


He drove down the road, and I peeked at him several times. He’d just gotten off work, was greasy and smelly. He looked so rough with his buzz and dark stubble. The sleeves of his work uniform were pulled up, revealing all his intricate tattoos. Definitely nothing like the pretty boy Ryker was, yet Heath was a model citizen in comparison.

Just goes to show you really can’t judge a book by its cover.

He caught me looking at him and smirked. I turned away immediately, feeling my cheeks flush. God, I hoped he didn’t think I was checking him out or anything. Because I wasn’t…

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