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Lord Xue Ying

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Book 10: Chapter 10 – Look of Anger, Desire to Rend

“Palace Head Chen, did the commander of the Bloodshed Tavern team approach you? Did you send any Deity-grade scrolls over?” Xue Ying also became excited upon hearing these news. He was naturally willing to follow a team if given the opportunity. After all, these teams had incredible combat power and their comprehensions of the realms were also deep. Furthermore, each member had a Deity weapon and many other treasures prepared for this venture into the Crimson Rock Mountain.

As for him?

In truth, he didn’t own any weapons and had to depend on his own combat power. His most precious treasures he had returned to the Xia Clan! He was also alone, and despite his confidence, the difficulty would have increased to about ten times the normal if he was to enter by himself.

“Rest assured. I would have never sent any Deity-grade scrolls over; I do not even have the authority to do so,” Palace Head Chen transmitted back. “It was the commander of the Bloodshed Tavern team himself who took the initiative to mention this matter!”

“I’ll have to go visit them.” Xue Ying’s heart was filled with gratitude.

The headquarters of the Bloodshed Tavern was situated in an ordinary-looking county. The incredibly large tavern spanned over an area of almost a kilometer, and was bustling with activity.

A large number of courtyards could be found behind the tavern, and it was in one of these courtyards that the team of Demigods from the Deity world was located.

“Manor Master, that Dong Bo Xue Ying is merely a Saint Transcendent. He’s been afflicted with the Six Ghosts Resentment hexing poison, and he’s certainly isn’t the strongest person in this mortal world. Won’t he just be in the way if we take him along to the Crimson Rock Mountain?” An old man with a goatee was harping on this issue. He was slovenly both in manner and dressing. Sitting cross-legged beside him was a bald old man garbed in yellow robes.

The bald man nodded, “This old thief’s words make sense. Manor Master, you’ve paid a huge price to come here, and we’re all betting our lives in this gamble. We don’t need this Dong Bo Xue Ying’s aid, and if the time comes when he’ll instead hinder us, we’ll fall into a terrible position.”

It was important to choose fitting team members. This was exactly the reason why the Temple of the Earth God’s team dared to request so much. Any ordinary team would not have been willing to bring along a hindrance, since the team would be doomed if that person was to drag them back during the most crucial of moments.

“Old thief, Uncle Fu, I’ve previously looked into it. Dong Bo Xue Ying has grasped hold of either the True Meaning of Mirage or the True Meaning of Shadow Space. He won’t bring about any big trouble.” The person saying these words was a middle-aged man in green robes.

This middle-aged man had an extraordinary temperament. He held back his aura to the point where no waves of suppression were released at all.

Even so, he was the commander of the team.

The Bloodshed Tavern… belonged to one of the three superpowers of the Deity World, the Bloodshed God Palace. Any of those powerful existences could easily discover many powerful Demigods, so him choosing this team out of so many possible naturally meant it was extraordinary.

“He won’t cause any trouble, but he won’t be of any help either. In terms of scouting ability, I’ve long since condensed a True Deity Heart for my True Meaning of Illusion. How much more formidable is it when compared to that brat’s True Meaning of Mirage in which he can only have a shallow comprehension?” the old man with a goatee said, wide-eyed. The True Meaning of Illusion was only a grade three True Meaning, while the True Meaning of Mirage was a grade two True Meaning. Even so, it was impossible for it to withstand it when the other party’s comprehension already reached the level of being able to condense a True Deity Heart.

The green-robed teenager said, “That’s enough, you two. Stop your grumbling. Dong Bo Xue Ying has arrived. Let’s take a look at this brat who will be our future comrade, whose life and death will be intertwined with ours.”

The old man with a goatee and the bald old man with yellow robes felt helpless.

They could not change the determination of their Manor Master!

Very soon—

Zhi ya, the doors opened.

A white-robed teenager with a slightly sick appearance walked through. Transcendents would usually have bright complexions, yet Xue Ying’s was naturally rather pale due to all the torture inflicted by the hexing poison.

“Hexing poison…” The green-robed middle-aged man was looking in Xue Ying’s direction who had just walked in, but his thoughts were with his wife. He married her after he became a Transcendent. She had lived under the torture of a hexing poison for 30 years, and she accompanied him for all those years until she finally died. He could never forget that pain for the rest of his life. After coming to know about Xue Ying’s circumstances, he naturally arrived at his decision.

This young man could withstand the Six Ghosts Resentment hexing poison for a hundred years. He did not look simple at all.

“Dong Bo Xue Ying, am I right?” The green-robed middle-aged man smiled. “I am Chen Jiu! We will be comrades in the future!”

“Greetings, Brother Chen Jiu.” Xue Ying gave a slight bow as a show of respect.

During this first meeting…

Chen Jiu naturally released some of his aura. In the world of Transcendents, combat power was above all else.

Upon coming into contact with the aura let out by Chen Jiu, Xue Ying got the vague sensation that eight fierce dragons were roaring at him! These dragons were each represented by a terrifying determination. Some were like aspects of destructions, some of venom, some of ruthlessness; they were all extremely terrifying. Beyond that terror, however, lay endless vitality.

Clearly, those either dragons represented different aspects of terror, yet they were backed by boundless vitality. It was similar to the logic of extreme Ying giving birth to Yang, or extreme Yang giving birth to Yin.

No wonder he is the commander of the team sent by the higher-ups of the Bloodshed God Palace. He is truly deep and immeasurable, thought Xue Ying.

In a run-of-the-mill county, countless people were living their ordinary lives.

“You scoundrel! Since you want to kill me, I’ll make sure you won’t leave alive either. Die, die!” An honest-looking fellow was currently displaying a savage expression as he brandished a butcher’s knife, attempting to cleave a muscular man with a bossy and domineering attitude who was moving about. This man glared back at the fellow and grabbed a knife from his waist. “Back at you!”

The two men began trying to slaughter each other.

Strangely, however, none of the bypassers on the street were terrified at this scene. They all had red eyes as they began insulting one another and fighting amongst themselves, some of them with straight-up underhanded means.

“Hahaha, you pretty thing, it doesn’t matter how loud you scream.” A brutish figure broke into a commoner’s house to grab the woman inside. She was crying and wailing mournfully, “My child, my child!” By her side was an infant displaying no signs of life.

“Aaah, my child! My child!” As the woman’s mournful wails reverberated, her eyes started turning red. She pushed her fingers into the eyes of the infant beside her, pu chi…

“Strip them all, flay their bodies!”

A man with a vicious appearance sat there, watching men and women being hung. “I’ll use the skins of whoever can please this master to make some clothes. You’ll be sure to enjoy it. Strip them all! Strip, strip, strip!”

Normally, these underlings would have been terrified, afraid that their masters would become even more violent. At that moment, however, their eyes were all red as they giggled and each took out a knife…

Those who were being hanged began cursing with frenzy and fury.

The citizens of this county had seemingly all turned into devils exhibiting the most violent of personalities. Within a short moment, the entire county began reeking of blood. This smell permeated every crook and corner of the county as more than half the population began slaughtering one another and finally dying themselves. Those left were still in the process of killing each other.

All those people dying unjustly led to a grievance forming in the entire city.

“Hahahaha, such a beautiful sound…” Standing in mid-air above this county was a thin and weak-looking old man with extremely long fingernails. Continuously releasing diabolical aura into his surroundings, he held onto a mysterious crystal ball containing a large number of ghosts of people who died unjustly, currently howling from grief.

“This is… what happened here?” The figure of a cold, calm man releasing an aura of coldness and darkness appeared in mid-air.

He was none other than the Ghost Knight, Feng Dong.

Feng Dong’s temperament was usually cold, but at that moment, he felt shocked. He watched as thousands of people in the county turned the whole place into hell! The stench of blood filled the air and grievance shot up to the sky!

Weng! He borrowed the World Energy to investigate the county. The results led to a look of anger on his face and a desire to rend filling him. About 80% to 90% of the people in this county had already died, some of the deaths so cruel he dared not witness them. The dead were filled with savage and malevolent resentment, which caused the fury in Feng Dong’s heart to explode.

“Who are you?!” Feng Dong discovered the thin, weak-looking old man standing above the center of the county. With a single teleportation, he arrived in front of him.

He sent a look filled with anger towards this old man; he understood well that everything had been caused by this person.

It’s that crystal ball. Feng Dong could faintly feel the crystal ball releasing an invisible force enveloping the entire county, which turned the people within crazy. After their deaths, their souls would then be absorbed by that force and pulled into the crystal ball.

“Break for me.” Feng Dong’s fury overflowed into the heavens. A halberd appeared in his hand before turning into a black ray being thrust towards the crystal ball.

The thin, weak-looking old man immediately roared, “Impudence!”

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