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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 89

"We just landed" Mark says on the phone. "Yes Sir" he hangs up. The plane door opens and he holds out his hand to help me out. I walk pass him and the sunlight burns my eyes. I cover my eyes with my hands. You have to be fucking kidding me there is a fucking limo waiting for us like if we are celebrities. "Misses. Jane" the limo guy greats me like if he knew me. "Mr. Williams" he turns to Mark. The man opens the door for me and stare at me with a shock expression. "Oh please," I roll my eyes at him "don't act like you never seen some one covered in blood before". I walk pass them and close the door before Mark tries to get in. If he works for Mark this isn't the first time nor the last time he'll see blood. Mark walks to the other side and climbs in and I move as close as I could to the door. My tears unwillingly start to run down my face. There is no point in trying to hold them in. We were in the car for what seems like hours and through out the whole ride I cried. Once my tears started to run down my face I couldn't stop them. I'm so worn out physically and emotionally I'm drain from all my energy. "You have to eat something or at least drink some water" Mark's annoying voice fills the car. I don't even acknowledge his request I just shut him off. All I can think of is how a few hours ago I felt like I was on top of the world and how now I have no world. We pull up to a huge house that reminds me of my old home with my father. It has a big gate surrounding the house and if that wasn't enough there are armed men all over. Here we go again with this bullshit. Mark rolls down the window to talk to the man standing there. "The boss is expecting us" Mark says. "Name" the man says with out looking up. "Mark and the diamond" Mark says. The man quickly lifts up his head. The diamond? I don't even have a name. The man nods and grants us access we drive all the way to the top. Mark walks over to my side and opens the door for me "Come on Jane" he says when I refuse to step out. I climb off the car and wrap my arms around me trying to shield myself. "Mark nice to see you" yet another man greets him as we walk in. It seems like Mark is known around here. The house is beautiful nothing like I have ever seen. The floor is a white marble, there are painting on the wall, there is this staircase that wraps around that room, there is a crystal chandler hanging from the ceiling. Who ever lives here sure knows how to live. "What's up?" he shakes his hand. "The boss is running late he'll be here later on" he informs him. "Alright I'll show her to her room" Mark says. They talk about me like if I wasn't even here. "She should change because if the boss see's her in that he won't be happy" he points at me. If I had the energy to set him straight I would but instead I just roll my eyes. Mark nods and start walking I follow him toward the room. "This is your new room," he opens the door "the closet is full with new cloths and to your right you have your own bathroom. I'll leave you alone so you can shower and I'll see you at dinner" he walks out. "Well you better sit down so you don't get tired of waiting for me" I slam the door and lock it. The room is huge it looks like a condo there is a big bed in the middle that looks like it was made for a queen. The sheets on the bed are blue and made of silk. There is a flat screen T.V hanging on the wall. In the left corner there is a big marble burial. In front of the window there is a rocking chair. The room is really nice but none of this means anything to me. I walk towards the bathroom I need a shower. I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror. I turn on the shower and take off my cloths. I hop in the shower with Gabe's shirt in my hand. The water around me turns red like wine as I wash his blood off. He is really gone. I will never see him again. My knees go weak and I slide down the wall. I can't believe this is really happening to me. What have I done so bad in my life that I have to pay such a high price? I throw the shirt to the side and bring my knees up to my chest as I rocked my self. I lost every one that matter to me in one day. My hearts hurts I just want all this to go away please god make it go away. I cry until I feel numb. I've reach my breaking point. I wrap a towel around me and hang Gabe's shirt so it can dry. I walk over to the mirror and stare at my self. I don't recognize the girl staring back. My eyes are red, I have bags underneath them, and I look like I have aged years in a matter of days. I am just a shadow of the girl that I once was. My body is just an empty shell walking around. The same eyes that once were fulled with love are now full of pain and sorrow. I feel like my heart has been remove and replaced by a big black whole. Even breathing hurts right now. I look dead no worst I am dead. From this moment on I know that I am no longer living I am just existing. I walk into the closet and like everything else in this room it's huge and just like Mark said it's fill with cloths. One side of the closet is full of designer clothing and shoes on the other side there is regular T-shirts and sweatpants. I change into the ugliest thing that I could find. My head is killing me but I refuse to step outside this room or to ask anyone for pills. I take a seat on the rocking chair that is by the window. I rest my head on my knees and start rocking my self. All I see is that big ugly gate and from there on tress and more tress. I reach for my necklace but find nothing there. Shit where is it? It probably fell when I was in the shower. I run to the bathroom to look for it. I turn the bathroom upside down and come out empty handed. "No no" I cry. Not my necklace! Haven't I lost enough today to lose that too? I lose everything that means something to me. I walk back to the rocking chair and drown in my misery. There is a knock on the door "Dinner is ready". The last thing on my mind is food and especially if I have to see Mark's nasty face. He tries to open the door "Come on Jane stop acting like a little child". I tone him and the rest of the world out. Half in hour later the door opens. I don't even bother to turn around I know who it is. "I brought you some food" Mark lays the tray on the bed. I place my head on my knees to avoid looking at him. It hurts so bad to look at the killer of the only man I loved. I feel him standing beside me he better not even try speaking to me because I am going to lose it. He let's out a small breath and then walks away. I need to sleep at least when I'm sleeping I don't feel. I place the tray on the floor and lay down in the bed tears start to run down. I have no control of them no more. The sound of thunder wakes me up. My head still hurts from yesterday. I had a long night I kept turning and twisting. I could turn off my feelings but I couldn't turn off my mind. I kept replaying everything that happen yesterday. I look out the window and the sky is tar-black and the clouds look like they are moving towards me. The wind is so powerful that the trees are swaying. There is no sign of the sun in the sky. It's funny how the weather matches my insides. Before everything happen I use to love rainy days they would bring peace but now it just makes me depress. The pain is still there it's even worst than yesterday if that's even possible. I have no intention of climbing out of bed today I reach for a pillow and snuggle with it. "Morning" Mark storms in "I see you didn't touch your food". I stare at the white wall and ignore him. "Well the boss is here and he wants to see you" he grabs the tray. I don't give 3 fucks what that man wants. "I'll be back in 30 minutes to escort you" he walks out. Like I said before I refuse to get off this bed. Mark walks in again and I'm in the same position as he left me "Why do you have to make everything so complicated?". He walks towards me and lifts me up "Put me down don't fucking touch me!" I fight him off. He throws me over his shoulder and walks towards the door. I lift up his shirt and bite down on his back until I feel his flesh break. "Owow!" he shouts as he puts me down "That shit hurts". I put my hands on his chest and shoved him away "Don't ever fucking touch me in your life" I warn him. He tries rubbing where I bit him "Fuck that shit hurts". He reach for my arm but I move away "Lead the way I'll follow you there is no need for touching". He looks at me and I wait for him to walk. I swear if he ever puts one finger on me again I'll chop it off with my own teeth. He stops in front of two double doors "This is your stop". My pulse quickens, my palms start to sweat, and my stomach is turning upside down. "Any day now" Mark growls. I wipe my palms on my pants and take in a big breath. Behind this door is the man that is responsible for everything that happen. Yeah Mark had some thing to do with it but if it wasn't for whom ever is in there ordering him none of this would of happen. Instead of being nervous I'm pissed. I want to know who is behind all of this so I can destroy him. I have never been the type to get revenge but that's all I want know. Mark opens the door for me and I walk in. There is a big black fancy chair facing the window Mark leaves the room and as he closes the door I jump. The person sitting on the chair clears his throat and I stand up straight. I have to show who ever is there that I'm not scare of them. I lift my head up with pride even if in the inside I am in a fetal position. The chair slowly starts to turn around and it's getting harder for me to swallow. The air around me gets heavier with anticipation. This is it I'm finally going to see the face of the man that crush my world. The chair turns around the whole way exposing him. My shoulders drop I can't believe what I am seeing. Who I am seeing. My eyes widen and my brain stops working. How is this possible? My knees go weak "You?" I choke out.

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