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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 88

"Hey Muffin" Gabe smiles at me with his perfect teeth. "Hey handsome" I run into his warm arms. There is no where in the world I rather be than in his arms. He always makes me feel safe. "I had a horrible dream baby" I squeeze him."Tell me what happen Muffin" he strokes my back. I don't know want to tell him what happen. "It was horrible" I lift my head to look at him but he has vanish. "Gabe?' I look around but it's to dark. I start to panic my heart starts pounding as I look around for Gabe. Where is he? It's so cold that I can see my own breath. I wrap my arms around myself trying to warm up. "Gabe!" I yell. I run around looking for him but I can't find him. There is nothing but darkness and cold. I see a small light far away from me. I run towards the light and notice something on the floor. What is that? Is that Gabe? I run to it. Oh god it's Gabe! "Gabe" I finally reach him. I drop to the floor and lift his head up he looks like he is sleeping. "Gabe what's wrong? Wake up" I shake him. There is blood spilling out of him. I lift his shit up trying to see where it's coming from but I can't find a hole. "Gabe baby please open your eyes" I begged. In a matter of seconds I'm surrounded by Gabe's blood. "Gabe please let me see those green eyes" I touch his face and he is ice cold."

"Noo!" I wake up in a cold sweat. What happen? Where am I? I'm in a small room. How did I get here? My cloths are sticking to my skin and they feel cold. I look down and I'm cover in blood. It wasn't a dream everything is real. Gabe is dead, my father was arrested, Mark kidnap me, he is a traitor, and a murder!. I have nothing or no one to live for. In a matter of hour my whole world came crushing down on me. Everything and everyone that was important to me is gone. All I have left is this emptiness in my chest that nothing can ever fill it. Tears start rolling down my face and I clean them right away. I need to find a way out of here I need to go find Gabe. I jump off the bed and reach for the door and to my surprise it's unlock that's weird. I open the door and I see Mark sitting down. I look around and now I understand why the door was unlock. I'm in a fucking plane! "Nice to see you awake," he smirks "take a seat we have a long trip ahead of us" he motions to the seat next to him. I lean into the wall "Where are we going?" my voice sounds scratchy. "I have no idea I just got the order for us to board the plane" he takes a sip of his drink. He is acting normal like nothing has happen. I stare at him and I feel my blood boiling all I see is the killer of the man I love. "You killed him" I say with clench teeth. My hands turns into fists at my side I'm ready to attack him. I want to make him hurt like I'm hurting. "Jane," he puts the drink down "it was either him or me". Is that suppose to mean something to me because it don't. If it was up to me he would be the one dead right now not Gabe. "I hate you so much Mark not only because you kidnap me but because you killed the one person I had ever loved" I feel like breaking but I won't not in front of him. I refuse to let him see what he did to me. "You're young Jane you'll find love again" he calmly says. I feel my anger raising. Is he serious right now? What the hell does age have to do with the heart? "I hate you so much" I scowl at him. "I'm sorry to hear that but since we are sharing feelings," he walks towards me and I put my hands up to put distant between us "Jane I love you". What? My arms drop to my side he is out of his mind? "I been in love with you since the moment you sat next to me on that plane". He tries to reach for me but I slap his hands away all I feel is repulsive for him. "Love?" I sneer "You call kidnapping me, killing the love of my life, and taking me to who knows where to some one who might kill me if I am lucky enough love? You call that love?". He is unbelievable. I wipe my nose on the back of my hand "That's a fucked up way to love I rather you hate me than to have your love" I walk away not letting him get another word in. I close the door and lean against it for support. I honestly don't know how much longer I am going to survive with this pain. All I want to do is die to be with my Gabe. I thought it couldn't get worst but I was wrong very wrong. I cover my mouth with my hand trying to stop the crying. How am I suppose to look in to Sophia's eyes and tell her that because of me Gabe is dead? Oh god Sophia! She is going to hate me and she has every right too. Oh god what if she relapse and goes back to using drugs that will be my fault too. No I can't let that happen I made a promise to Gabe that I was going to watch out for her and the least I can do is keep my word. I'll fight for Sophia I owe her that much. "That's my Rambo" I can almost hear Gabe say. I never understood why Juliet decided to kill her self to be with Romeo when she was young and had her whole life ahead of her but know I understand her because I am her. This pain is the real deal there isn't a pill I can take to make the pain go away. I actually have to live with this all my life. I would rather break every single bone in my body then to deal with this ache that I can't escape. The only thing I have left of Gabe are my memories, my bracelet, and the love I have for him. I lay back down on the bed and I cried my eyes out until sleep came. "Jane," I feel some one stroking my hair "Wake up we are almost there". I open my eyes and see everything blurry. It takes me a few second to see clearly and then I see Mark. "Don't fucking touch me" I slap his hands off me. "Are you ever going to forgive me?" he drops his arm. I give him the direst look I can manage. How can I forgive him for killing Gabe? "I guess not" he backs away. "We will be landed any minute now" he informs me like if I give a rat's ass.

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