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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 83

The whole ride to where ever the hell we are going I was quite. All in can think about is Gabe's face as he was trying to catch up to me. He looks so broken as the car got away from him. "You need to eat something" Mark says from the front. "Stop acting like you care traitor" I say the last word with disgust. "I do care" he whisper. I wrap my arms around the passenger head seat and lean in. "Then let me go Mark. You can say that I hit you over the head with something and that I ran" I begged. Maybe he had a change if heart and realized that this is wrong. "I can't do that Jane it's my job" he says. "They are going to kill me Mark!" my eyes sting with tears. I'm not worried about dying that would be a piece of heaven compare to other things they can do to me. My mind goes back to that day many years ago with Poppy in the back yard. "No they aren't" he says. He doesn't know what this people are capable of doing to me. I know he isn't going to change his mind so there is no point of begging. I feel a big knot forming in my throat "Why Mark? Was it all fake our friendship? Was I always a job?". I hate that I can't hide how hurt and betrayed I am. I need to know the truth was everything fake? Gabe was right about him this whole time and me being the stupid naive girl that am I refuse to believe him. "All I can say is that I'm sorry" he actually looks sad. "Well I don't accept your apologize" I stare out the window with tear in my eyes. I learn from my father that crying never solves anything especially in situations like these. If I'm going to go down then I'm going down as a Santana. After 20 minuted we finally stop in front of an abandon building. Mark opens the door for me and sticks his hand out for me to grab it. I look down at his hand in disgust I shove his hand away and jump out of the car. "Stubborn" he laughs. I look around trying to find a way to escape but there is nothing around me but this building. We left the main road a few miles ago. "This way" he grabs my arm and leads me towards the building. "Mark boss man" a brown hair man greets him. "Pac man" Mark gives him a handshake. Pac man stares at me from head to toe "Wow no wonder the boss want her". I can actually feel his eyes on me and it makes my skin crawl. Without even realizing I hide behind Mark like if that is going to keep me safe. "Yeah about that call the others for me" he commands and Pac man leaves. "Mark don't leave me here please" I begged him one last time. Pac man returns with 10 other men "Listen up this is the diamond," Mark points at me and every single pair of eyes stare at me "I know she is hot, pretty, or what ever the fuck you want to say but she is also off limits so help me god if one of you even dares to lay one finger on her without my permission I'll have your balls" they all flinch. They know that he means business. "Understood" he shouts. "Yes Sir" they all chant like if they were in a army. "Dismiss" every one disappears at once. I'm shocked Mark the friendly, funny, noble guy I met is actually a bad as leader. He must be rank one of the best man for who ever he works for. I have been around this life style and I know that the only way some one can have this much respect is by earning it. "Come" he says and I follow him. I prefer to be with him than with any one else. I look around the place and it looks like a hotel. Mark takes me upstairs and stops at a door. "This is where you be staying while we are here" he opens the door. The room looks like some one has been living her. There is a big comfy bed with new sheets, a few pillows, and there is even a TV. "You won't be long here" he pulls on my hand and cuts the rope "Nice bracelet" he says. I rub my wrist trying to get my blood going. Thanks to the damn rope they are red. "I'll get you some pain medicine and some thing to eat" he walks out the door. I run to the door and of course it's lock. "Fuck" I kick the door out of frustration. I lean my forehead against the door I need to find a way out of here. I search around the room trying to find a way out but find nothing. This shit whole don't even have a window. Stay strong Jane you can't break down now. You can do this all I need to do is wait for the perfect time. I walk over to the bed and let myself fall onto it. Who ever Mark works for had all of this perfectly plan. They waited for me to let my guard down to makes their move. I should of known that this was going to happen. I don't know how long I have been here but it seems that I been here for years. The door knob turns and I quickly stand up. I don't want to give any one the advantage of finding me laying on the bed. Mark comes in with a bag of food and some pain killer pills. I hate myself for feeling relief seeing him walk in. He is not your friend Jane you are in this because of him the little voice in my head reminds me. I take a sit in the corner of the bed. "I bought you a hamburger and fries" he sits next to me. I don't want him near me. "Not hungry" I say. My stomach growls at the smell of the food giving me away. "Well either there is a bear hiding in this room or that sound came from your stomach" he smirks. I'm starving my stomach burns of how empty it is but I don't want to take nothing from him. He probably put some thing in my food to kill me. "Mmm" Mark takes a bite of his burger "this is the best burger I have ever tasted in my life". My mouth starts to get watery as I see how juicy the burger is. My stomach starts to growl again. "You sure you don't want yours?" he said with his mouth full of food. My stomach growls being me to take the food. Whats the worst that can happen he already kidnapped me. "Fine" I reach for my burger and take a bite out of it. Mt taste bites start having a party as I chew on the burger. "Fuck this is a good as burger" I moan. I hear Mark laugh "I told you". I give him a smile and then I remember he kidnap me. I roll my eyes at him as I turn my head to the TV ignoring him and enjoying the best burger in the world. "Jane I-".

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