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Fighting For Freedom (Fighting Series Book 1)

Page 82

"Hey girlfriend" Liam greets me as soon as I walk in. "Hey Liam," I give him a kiss on the cheek. I'm so glad that he is here today. "The devil called you in?" he ask. "Yeah," I laugh "but at least you're here". I love working with Liam we always have so much fun together. "Amen sister girl. Mark said to walk into his office as soon as you walked in" he informs me. "Kay thanks" I take off my coat and he grabs it to put it away. "Hey Mark" I greet him with a smile. He puts a finger up as he talks on the phone "Yes I'll have it ready today you can either pick it up or have it deliver. Fine I'll see you then" he hangs up. "Jane," he smiles "Thank you so much for coming in I'll make this up to you some how I promise". I smile "No problem that's what friends are for right". It's not his fault he needs more help around here. "Thanks," I notice a change in his mood. Maybe it's just because he is stress about this order "These are the orders I need please make sure everything is done right this is a big event and I need this to come out perfect" he hands me some sheets. "I'm on it" I leave his office and get to work. He wasn't kidding when he said it was a big order. I have been working none stop since I came in I don't have time to catch my breath. "Come on let's go on our break" Liam says. We haven't even had time to take our break that's how busy we are. I wonder where the hell is Maggie she is the manager after all. I take out my phone and notice I have 5 missed calls from Gabe. Oh god Gabe is going to be so mad at me. "Oh god it's 7 already?" I ask Liam. "Yeah I know time for a break" he drags me to a table. I quickly call Gabe he must be worry. "Jane" he answers coldly. Yeah he pissed off he never calls me Jane. "Baby I'm so sorry I came into work and I forgot to tell you" I bite down on my lip. "I thought we agree that you wasn't going to go" he says annoyed. "I know but then you said you didn't know what time you was going to be home so I decided to come in and help Mark" hopefully that will calm him down. "Fine you're right I was just worry but then again I figure you was working when you didn't answer my calls" he says after a long pause. "Are you home?" I ask. "No that's why I was calling you to let you know I'll be home later on. What time does your shift end?" he ask. I don't know why he is making a big deal if he isn't even home his damn self. "10" I say as I take some fries from Liam's plate. "Alright I'll pick you up then" he says. There is no point in arguing with him because he always gets his way. "Heads up" I hear Logan. "Muffin see you later love you" he hangs up. At least he isn't mad any more. "So how are things with our boyfriend?" Liam ask. I end up telling him everything that happen between Gabe and I. Unlike Sophia I can actually tell him a little more details than I can tell her. "Oh my lord please tell me he is all man down there?" he leans in waiting for my answer. "Oh he is all man" I blush. He throws his hands in the air "Praise the Lord! I knew it okay so this new rule of his has to stay". Gabe is going to kill me for telling Liam about the rule. I couldn't help telling him he almost had a heart attack. "Sorry he came to his senses about that" I shrug. "No way! Jane baby you're my friend right?" he gives me his sad eyes. "Of course I am" I nod. "Then you have to make this happen" he grins. "Sorry not going to happen" I giggle. I have no intention of sharing Gabe's amazing body. "Boo you whore," he frowns "it was worth a try" he adds. "Come on let's get back to work" I pull him. "Thank you guys so much for helping me" Mark says as we hand him the last box. After working our asses off we finally finish with the order. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm leaving" Liam takes of his apron. He is so ready to get the hell out of here. "Bye babe I'll see you later" he gives me a kiss on the cheek. "How about you?" Mark ask. "Gabe will be here in 30 minutes" I say as I help him clean up. He nods and takes out his phone "The order is ready see you then". I text Sophia to have dinner ready because I'm starving. I need to go home and get a few things to stay at Gabe's house. As I'm taking the trays to the back I notice a car pull in. "Jane will you mind helping me?" Mark ask. I have no idea how they going to fit all this boxes in that car but I can help them try. "Not at all" I follow him. "Thank you for everything Jane I really value you as a friend" he sounds upset. I wonder whats wrong with him. "Are you alright Mark?" I ask concern. "I'm fine I just want you to know that it's nothing personal it was my job," he opens the door "but I really do care about you". Two men dress in black walk in and go straight for me. Once I realize what was going on I turn around and try to make a run for the front door. I'm half way threw the door some one grabs my upper arm. "Help me some one!" I yell desperately. The man covers my mouth and I try pulling away. Oh god what the hell is going on here? Why is Mark doing this to me? Tears start building up in my eyes as fear start to creeps it's way through my body. "Don't hurt her or the boss will kill you" Mark growls at him. Who the hell is the boss? "Yes Sir" he says. Sir? He called Mark Sir! I need to find a way to get away. Gabe should be here in any minute I need to buy some time. There is no way I can take all three of them but I can give them a struggle. "Put her in the car and I'll take her from there" he commands. There is no way I'm letting them get me in a car. With out thinking I bite down on the man's hand his hand taste salty. "Fucking bitch" he removes it. I pull away from him "Why Mark? I thought you was my friend" I choked out. How stupid was I to believe he was my friend. I should of listen to Gabe when he warn me about him. My heart is beating so fast that it's making my chest hurt. The man's hand is squeezing my arm so hard that he is cutting my circulation. At this point my body shuts down. "Sorry Jane orders are orders" he gives me a small smile. How can he smile at me after what he is doing to me? Sobs ripped up my throat as I ask "Who do you work for?". I try pulling away but the man has a good grip on my arm. "Sorry I can't say" Mark shrugs. I feel angry, my blood is boiling and before I knew it I elbow the man in his ribs and punch Mark right on his nose. "Fuck" he cries out. I shove him towards the door "FUCK YOU MARK!" I yell at him as tears fall down my face. I'm so angry that I'm crying in front of him. I feel some one's hands around my arm and they slam me to the wall. My head hits the wall so hard that for a few seconds everything goes black. My vision goes blurry and I hear ringing in my ears if it wasn't for the man holding on to me I probably would have been on the floor. "I said don't hurt here!" Mark scowls at him while cleaning his blood on his shirt. He leans in really close to my face and I turn my head to the side "I deserve that it hurts like a mother fucker but I deserve it". I refuse to look at him I don't want him to see how hurt I am by all of this. Him betraying me hurts more than getting slam around. "Take her to the car and tie her up in the back seat" he orders. I don't even resist because I know there is no point I can't out run all 3 of them. My body is to sore for me to try to do anything. I can't believe Mark the guy that I consider my friend is actually a traitor. Where the hell is Gabe? He isn't going to make it in time. I want to scream, I want to cry but I won't give them the pleasure to see me broken. They are tying the rope so hard around my wrist that they feel like they are burning my skin. "This bitch is pretty maybe we can have a go on her after the boss is done with her" the second man says. "Fuck you" I spit in his face. "Give me the time and day baby girl" the man runs his fingers down my face. Vile starts to makes it's way up my throat. I feel so disgusted by his touch. "Ya motherfuckers think I'm playing?" Mark clicks his gun back and points directly to the man's head. I'm thankful that he is here to get them away from me but I still hate him. The man puts his hands up in the air "Sorry Sir it won't happen again". Mark pokes the man in the head "For your safety it better not". It's crazy how fast his face change he is no longer the sweet and kind guy I met. His eyes are darker than I have ever seen them and his jaw muscles keep tightening. I give Mark a I-hope-you-die look as he closes the car door. I don't care that he has a gun that doesn't scare me. I was raised around him and I know how to use them. "You two make sure no one follows us" he gets in the car and starts it. I need to find a way out I can't just give up that's not who I am. I reach for the door but it's baby lock. "Come on Jane be a good girl and everything will be over soon" he looks at me through the mirror with a smile. He knew I was going to reach for the door. I look around trying to find anything I can use as a weapon. As we pull out from the back I spot Gabe and Liam getting off their car. Thank god he is here and he is with Liam. Mark hasn't notice them I slide to the window and press the button down. Thankfully the window rolls down. "GABE!" I scream at the top of my lugs. They both turn around at the same time and for one split second I lock eyes with Gabe. Gabe face drops as he sees. "Fuck Jane!" Mark pulls me by my shirt. "JANE!" I hear Gabe shout. I move my back and turn around to see Gabe running towards the car. I feel tears coming down my face even when there is nothing else to do Gabe is still trying to help me. It breaks my heart to see him running after the car. I shove Mark's hand and stick my head out the window "I love you Gabe!" I yell. I need him to know that I love him and always will. I might never get the chance to see him again. Mark rolls up the window and speeds up. I turn back and watch as Gabe slowly disappears.

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