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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 81



In the First Part of this history we left the valiant Biscayan and the

renowned Don Quixote with drawn swords uplifted, ready to deliver two

such furious slashing blows that if they had fallen full and fair they

would at least have split and cleft them asunder from top to toe and laid

them open like a pomegranate; and at this so critical point the

delightful history came to a stop and stood cut short without any

intimation from the author where what was missing was to be found.

This distressed me greatly, because the pleasure derived from having read

such a small portion turned to vexation at the thought of the poor chance

that presented itself of finding the large part that, so it seemed to me,

was missing of such an interesting tale. It appeared to me to be a thing

impossible and contrary to all precedent that so good a knight should

have been without some sage to undertake the task of writing his

marvellous achievements; a thing that was never wanting to any of those

knights-errant who, they say, went after adventures; for every one of

them had one or two sages as if made on purpose, who not only recorded

their deeds but described their most trifling thoughts and follies,

however secret they might be; and such a good knight could not have been

so unfortunate as not to have what Platir and others like him had in

abundance. And so I could not bring myself to believe that such a gallant

tale had been left maimed and mutilated, and I laid the blame on Time,

the devourer and destroyer of all things, that had either concealed or

consumed it.

On the other hand, it struck me that, inasmuch as among his books there

had been found such modern ones as "The Enlightenment of Jealousy" and

the "Nymphs and Shepherds of Henares," his story must likewise be modern,

and that though it might not be written, it might exist in the memory of

the people of his village and of those in the neighbourhood. This

reflection kept me perplexed and longing to know really and truly the

whole life and wondrous deeds of our famous Spaniard, Don Quixote of La

Mancha, light and mirror of Manchegan chivalry, and the first that in our

age and in these so evil days devoted himself to the labour and exercise

of the arms of knight-errantry, righting wrongs, succouring widows, and

protecting damsels of that sort that used to ride about, whip in hand, on

their palfreys, with all their virginity about them, from mountain to

mountain and valley to valley--for, if it were not for some ruffian, or

boor with a hood and hatchet, or monstrous giant, that forced them, there

were in days of yore damsels that at the end of eighty years, in all

which time they had never slept a day under a roof, went to their graves

as much maids as the mothers that bore them. I say, then, that in these

and other respects our gallant Don Quixote is worthy of everlasting and

notable praise, nor should it be withheld even from me for the labour and

pains spent in searching for the conclusion of this delightful history;

though I know well that if Heaven, chance and good fortune had not helped

me, the world would have remained deprived of an entertainment and

pleasure that for a couple of hours or so may well occupy him who shall

read it attentively. The discovery of it occurred in this way.

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