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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 80

On, then, as aforesaid, came Don Quixote against the wary Biscayan, with

uplifted sword and a firm intention of splitting him in half, while on

his side the Biscayan waited for him sword in hand, and under the

protection of his cushion; and all present stood trembling, waiting in

suspense the result of blows such as threatened to fall, and the lady in

the coach and the rest of her following were making a thousand vows and

offerings to all the images and shrines of Spain, that God might deliver

her squire and all of them from this great peril in which they found

themselves. But it spoils all, that at this point and crisis the author

of the history leaves this battle impending, giving as excuse that he

could find nothing more written about these achievements of Don Quixote

than what has been already set forth. It is true the second author of

this work was unwilling to believe that a history so curious could have

been allowed to fall under the sentence of oblivion, or that the wits of

La Mancha could have been so undiscerning as not to preserve in their

archives or registries some documents referring to this famous knight;

and this being his persuasion, he did not despair of finding the

conclusion of this pleasant history, which, heaven favouring him, he did

find in a way that shall be related in the Second Part.

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