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Don Quixote - Part I

Page 202



Returning to the proceedings of him of the Rueful Countenance when he

found himself alone, the history says that when Don Quixote had completed

the performance of the somersaults or capers, naked from the waist down

and clothed from the waist up, and saw that Sancho had gone off without

waiting to see any more crazy feats, he climbed up to the top of a high

rock, and there set himself to consider what he had several times before

considered without ever coming to any conclusion on the point, namely

whether it would be better and more to his purpose to imitate the

outrageous madness of Roland, or the melancholy madness of Amadis; and

communing with himself he said:

"What wonder is it if Roland was so good a knight and so valiant as

everyone says he was, when, after all, he was enchanted, and nobody could

kill him save by thrusting a corking pin into the sole of his foot, and

he always wore shoes with seven iron soles? Though cunning devices did

not avail him against Bernardo del Carpio, who knew all about them, and

strangled him in his arms at Roncesvalles. But putting the question of

his valour aside, let us come to his losing his wits, for certain it is

that he did lose them in consequence of the proofs he discovered at the

fountain, and the intelligence the shepherd gave him of Angelica having

slept more than two siestas with Medoro, a little curly-headed Moor, and

page to Agramante. If he was persuaded that this was true, and that his

lady had wronged him, it is no wonder that he should have gone mad; but

I, how am I to imitate him in his madness, unless I can imitate him in

the cause of it? For my Dulcinea, I will venture to swear, never saw a

Moor in her life, as he is, in his proper costume, and she is this day as

the mother that bore her, and I should plainly be doing her a wrong if,

fancying anything else, I were to go mad with the same kind of madness as

Roland the Furious. On the other hand, I see that Amadis of Gaul, without

losing his senses and without doing anything mad, acquired as a lover as

much fame as the most famous; for, according to his history, on finding

himself rejected by his lady Oriana, who had ordered him not to appear in

her presence until it should be her pleasure, all he did was to retire to

the Pena Pobre in company with a hermit, and there he took his fill of

weeping until Heaven sent him relief in the midst of his great grief and

need. And if this be true, as it is, why should I now take the trouble to

strip stark naked, or do mischief to these trees which have done me no

harm, or why am I to disturb the clear waters of these brooks which will

give me to drink whenever I have a mind? Long live the memory of Amadis

and let him be imitated so far as is possible by Don Quixote of La

Mancha, of whom it will be said, as was said of the other, that if he did

not achieve great things, he died in attempting them; and if I am not

repulsed or rejected by my Dulcinea, it is enough for me, as I have said,

to be absent from her. And so, now to business; come to my memory ye

deeds of Amadis, and show me how I am to begin to imitate you. I know

already that what he chiefly did was to pray and commend himself to God;

but what am I to do for a rosary, for I have not got one?"

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